Larry Wall
Larry Wall (27 de setembro de 1954) foi o criador e hoje é um desenvolvedor da linguagem de programação "Perl".
Larry Wall |
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- "O Perl foi projetado para nunca ser perfeito. Foi projetado para evoluir, para tornar-se mais adaptável, como dizem".
- - Perl was never designed to be perfect. It was designed to evolve, to become more adaptive, as they say.
- - Larry Wall em entrevista a Marjorie Richardson, em 01.05.1999, publicada em Linux Journal
- - Perl was never designed to be perfect. It was designed to evolve, to become more adaptive, as they say.
- “Demasiado controle é tão mortal quanto demasiado pouco controle. Nós necessitamos o controle e nós necessitamos o caos. Nós necessitamos a ordem, e a desordem. Simplicidade, e complexidade. Cuidado, e negligência. Equilíbrio, e pânico. Ciência, e arte.”
- - that too much control is just as deadly as too little control. We need control and we need chaos. We need order, and disorder. Simplicity, and complexity. Carefulness, and recklessness. Poise, and panic. Science, and art.
- - Perl Conference, em 20 de agosto de 1997.
- - that too much control is just as deadly as too little control. We need control and we need chaos. We need order, and disorder. Simplicity, and complexity. Carefulness, and recklessness. Poise, and panic. Science, and art.
- “Muitos cientistas de computador caíram na armadilha de tentar definir línguas como um novo discurso estilo George Orwell, em que é impossível pensar pensamentos maus.”
- - many computer scientists have fallen into the trap of trying to define languages like George Orwell's Newspeak, in which it is impossible to think bad thoughts.
- - Perl Conference, em 20 de agosto de 1997.
- - many computer scientists have fallen into the trap of trying to define languages like George Orwell's Newspeak, in which it is impossible to think bad thoughts.