Patrick Dempsey: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 17:
'''[[w:Patrick Dempsey|Patrick Galen Dempsey]]''' ([[w:Lewiston|Lewiston]], [[13 de Janeiro]] de [[1966]]) é um [[w:ator|ator]] [[EUA|norte-americano]].
{{sem fontes}}
* "Um dia, a minha filha com três anos disse: 'És muito bonito, papá!' Esse foi o melhor elogio de sempre."
Linha 24 ⟶ 27:
* "People sometimes mistake being serious with being taken seriously. And, sure, if you have a political point of view, you have every right to share it. But you have to be careful not to get too self-important. You have to find the balance between being entertaining and being preachy. And you're seeing that at the box office. People aren't buying it any more. There's a time and a place, and what we need right now is a little more positivity."
[[categoria:pessoas]] [[Categoria:Atores dos Estados Unidos da América]]