Provérbios árabes: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 915:
== د ==
* دخان الأقارب يُعمِي
**Smoke of the neighbours renders you blind
* الدراهم مراهم
**Money is a Cure
* دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء وطب نفسا بما حكم القضاء
* الدم لا يصير ماء
** Blood can never turn into water.
*** Tradução: "Sangue nunca se transforma em àgua."
* الدهر يومان حلو ومر
** Life is made of two days. One which is sweet and the other is bitter.
*** Tradução: "A vida é feita de dois dias. Um que é doce e outro que é amargo."
* دواء الدهر الصبر عليه
**the cure for fate is patience.
*** Tradução: "A cura do destino é a paciência."
* الدين النصيحة
** A good advice is part of the Religion. (In reference to a good Muslim has to give an advice when needed).