Provérbios árabes
Provérbios em língua árabe, principalmente da Arábia Saudita.

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ﺍ - ب - ت - ث - ج - ح - خ - د - ذ - ر - ز - س - ش - ص - ض - ط - ظ - ع - غ - ف - ق - ك - ل - م - ن - ه - و - ي -
- English ou tradução portuguesa (acompanhado do original em árabe)
- "Acredite em Allah, mas amarre seu camelo."
- اعقلها وتوكل
- "Só se atiram pedras em árvores carregadas de frutas."
- "Uma só mão não pode aplaudir."
- يد واحدة لا تصفق
- "Na árvore do silêncio está o fruto da segurança."
- "Deixa o teu coração seguir à tua frente e procura alcançá-lo."
- "Os cães ladram, e a caravana passa."
- الكلاب تعوي والقافلة تسير
- "Há cinco degraus para se alcançar a sabedoria: calar, ouvir, lembrar, agir, estudar."
- أباد الله خضراءهم
- ابذل لصديقك دمك ومالك
- Give your friend your blood and money.
- Tradução: "Dê ao seu amigo seu sangue e seu dinheiro."
- Give your friend your blood and money.
- إبرة في كومة قش
- Needle in a haystack.
- Tradução: "Agulha em um palheiro."
- Needle in a haystack.
- أبرد من الثلج
- Cooler than ice.
- Tradução: "Mais frio que gelo."
- Cooler than ice.
- أبصر من الوطواط
- More observant than a bat.
- Tradução: "Mais observador do que um morcego"
- More observant than a bat.
- أبصر من زرقاء اليمامة
- More observant than Zarqaa' Al Yamama. (A famous woman with incredible eye sight)
- Tradução: "Mais observador do que Zarqaa'Al Yamama" (Mulher famosa pela inacreditável argúcia do seu olhar)
- More observant than Zarqaa' Al Yamama. (A famous woman with incredible eye sight)
- أبصر من غراب
- More observant than a crow.
- Tradução: "Mais observador do que um corvo."
- More observant than a crow.
- أبطأ من سلحفاة
- Slower than a turtle.
- Tradução: "Mais lento do que uma tartaruga."
- Slower than a turtle.
- أبعد من الثريا
- Further than Pleiades.
- Tradução: "Mais longe do que as Plêiades."
- Further than Pleiades.
- أبكى من يتيم
- More tearful than an orphan.
- Tradução: "Mais chorão que um órfão."
- More tearful than an orphan.
- أبلغ من قس بن ساعدة
- More fluent than Qas Bin Sa'ida.
- Tradução: "Mais fluente que Qas Bin Sa'ida."
- More fluent than Qas Bin Sa'ida.
- أتب من أبي لهب
- More cursed than Abi Lahab. (Evil uncle of Muhammad PBUH)
- Tradução: "Mais amaldiçoado que Abi Lahab." (Tio mau de Muhammad P.E.C.E.)
- More cursed than Abi Lahab. (Evil uncle of Muhammad PBUH)
- أتبع من الظل
- Follows more than a shadow.
- Tradução: "Segue mais que uma sombra."
- Follows more than a shadow.
- الاتحاد قوة
- Unity is power.
- Tradução: "União é poder"
- Unity is power.
- اترك الشر يتركك
- Leave evil, it will leave you
- Tradução: "Deixe o mal e ele deixará você".
- Leave evil, it will leave you
- اتق الأحمق أن تصحبه إنما الأحمق كالثوب الخلق كلما رقعت منه جانبا صفقته الريح وهنا فانخرق
- Be aware of the idiot, for he is like an old dress. Every time you patch it, the wind will tear it back again.
- Tradução: "Esteja atento ao idiota, pois ele é como um velho vestido. Sempre que remendares, o vento voltará a rasgar."
- Be aware of the idiot, for he is like an old dress. Every time you patch it, the wind will tear it back again.
- أثبت من الوشم
- More permanent than a tattoo.
- Tradução: "Mais permanente que uma tatuagem."
- More permanent than a tattoo.
- أثقل من جبل
- Heavier than a mountain.
- Tradução: "Mais pesado que uma montanha."
- Heavier than a mountain.
- أجبن من نعامة
- More fearful than an ostrich.
- Tradução: "Mais temível que uma avestruz."
- More fearful than an ostrich.
- اجتنب مصاحبة الكذاب فإن اضطررت إليه فلا تُصَدِّقْهُ
- Avoid the company of a liar. And if you can't avoid him, don't believe him.
- Tradução: "Evita a companhia de um mentiroso. E se não puderes evitá-lo, não acredites nele."
- Avoid the company of a liar. And if you can't avoid him, don't believe him.
- اجلس حيث يُؤْخَذُ بيدك وَتُبَرُّ ولا تجلس حيث يؤخذ برجلك وتُجَرُّ
- Sit where you are welcomed and helped (where your hand is taken and good is done to you), and don't sit where you are not welcomed. (where you are dragged from your leg)
- Tradução: "Senta-te onde és bem-vindo e ajudado (onde a tua mão é tomada e bem te será feito), e não te sentes onde não te quiserem (onde te arrastarem pela perna)"
- Sit where you are welcomed and helped (where your hand is taken and good is done to you), and don't sit where you are not welcomed. (where you are dragged from your leg)
- أجود من حاتم
- More generous than Hatim. (Hatim Al Ta'ee, a very generous man)
- Tradução: "Mais generoso que Hatim." (Hatim Al Ta'ee, um homem muito generoso)
- More generous than Hatim. (Hatim Al Ta'ee, a very generous man)
- احذر عدوك مرة وصديقك ألف مرة فإن انقلب الصديق فهو أعلم بالمضرة
- Be careful of your enemy once and of your friend a thousand times, for a double crossing friend knows more evil. (or knows more about what harms you)
- Tradução: "Esteja cuidadoso do teu inimigo uma vez e do teu amigo mil, pois um falso amigo sabe mais sobre maldade." (ou sabe mais sobre o que te magoa)
- Be careful of your enemy once and of your friend a thousand times, for a double crossing friend knows more evil. (or knows more about what harms you)
- أحذر من غراب
- More cautious than a crow.
- Tradução: "Mais avisado que um corvo."
- More cautious than a crow.
- احذروا من لا يرجى خيره ولا يؤمن شره
- Beware of he whose goodness you can't ask for and whose evil you can't be protected from
- Tradução: "Tem cuidado com aquele cuja bondade não poderás pedir e com aquele cujo mal não poderás ser protegido"
- Beware of he whose goodness you can't ask for and whose evil you can't be protected from
- أحر من الجمر
- Warmer than burning charcoal.
- Tradução: "Mais quente do que carvão a arder"
- Warmer than burning charcoal.
- أحرس من كلب
- More watchful than a dog.
- Tradução: "Mais atento que um cão."
- More watchful than a dog.
- أحرص من نملة
- More careful than an ant.
- Tradução: "Mais cauteloso que uma formiga."
- More careful than an ant.
- أحزن من الخنساء على صخر
- More sad than Al Khansaa' for Sakhr. (Al Khansaa' is a poet who lost her brother Sakhr and wrote many sad poems about him)
- Tradução: "Mais triste que Al Khansaa' pelo Sakhr." (Al Khansaa' é um poeta que perdeu o seu irmão Sakhr e sobre quem escreveu muitos poemas tristes)
- More sad than Al Khansaa' for Sakhr. (Al Khansaa' is a poet who lost her brother Sakhr and wrote many sad poems about him)
- أَحْسِنْ إلي الناس تستعبد قلوبهم
- Do good to people in order to enslave their hearts.
- Tradução: "Faz bem às pessoas de modo a escravizar os seus corações."
- Do good to people in order to enslave their hearts.
- أحضر الناس جوابا من لم يغضب
- The best answer comes from the man who isn't angry.
- Tradução: "A melhor resposta vem do homem que não esteja zangado."
- The best answer comes from the man who isn't angry.
- احفر بئرا وَطُمَّ بئرا ولا تُعَطِّلْ أجيرا
- dig a well then close the well, but do not fire a worker
- Tradução: "Cava um poço depois tapa o poço, mas não despeças o trabalhador"
- dig a well then close the well, but do not fire a worker
- احفظ قرشك الأبيض ليومك الأسود
- Literal meaning: Save your white penny for your black day.
- Tradução: "Guarde o seu tostão branco para o dia negro."
- Idiomatic translation: A penny saved is a penny earned.
- Tradução: "Um Tostão guardado é um tostão ganho."
- Literal meaning: Save your white penny for your black day.
- أحكم من لقمان
- Wiser than Loqman. (A man who was gifted with wisdom)
- Tradução: "Mais sábio que Loqman." (um homem que foi dotado de sabedoria)
- Wiser than Loqman. (A man who was gifted with wisdom)
- أحمد البلاغة الصمت حين لا يَحْسُنُ الكلام
- The most praised form of fluency is silence when talk isn't wise.
- Tradução: "A forma de fluência mais elogiada é o silêncio quando a conversa não é sábia."
- The most praised form of fluency is silence when talk isn't wise.
- أحن من الأم على أولادها
- More kindhearted than a mother to her children.
- Tradução: "Mais amável que uma mãe para os seus filhos."
- More kindhearted than a mother to her children.
- أخاك أخاك إن مَنْ لا أخا له كَساعٍ إلى الهيجا بغير سلاح
- You need a brother, without one you're like a person rushing to battle without a weapon.
- Tradução: "Precisas de um irmão, sem um és como alguém que vai para a guerra sem armas."
- You need a brother, without one you're like a person rushing to battle without a weapon.
- اختر أهون الشرين
- Pick the lesser of the two evils.
- Tradução: "Escolhe o menor de dois males."
- Pick the lesser of the two evils.
- اختلط حابلهم بنابلهم
- The ropeman got mixed with the archer. (Things got chaotic)
- آخر الحياة الموت
- The end of life is death. (Live life to its fullest)
- Tradução: "O fim da vida é a morte." ( Viva a vida no seu máximo)
- The end of life is death. (Live life to its fullest)
- آخر العنقود
- The end of the grape cluster. (Youngest child in a family)
- اخطب لابنتك ولا تخطب لابنك
- Lecture your daughter, but do not lecture your son.
- أَخْفَقَ حالب التيس
- The man who wanted to milk the goat failed. (Indicates stupidity)
- أخوك من صدقك النصيحة
- Your brother is who gives you a honest advice.
- Tradução: "O teu irmão é aquele que te dá um conselho honesto."
- Your brother is who gives you a honest advice.
- أخون من ذئب
- More treacherous than a wolf.
- Tradução: "Mais traiçoeiro que um lobo."
- More treacherous than a wolf.
- أَدّى قدراً مستعيرها
- أدنى من حبل الوريد
- Closer than the carotid artery (As close to a person as is humanly possible)
- إذا أتاك أحد الخصمين وقد فُقِئَتْ عينه فلا تقض له حتى يأتيك خصمه .فلعله قد فُقِئَتْ عيناه
- إذا أردت أن تطاع فأمر بما يستطاع
- If you wanted obedience command with what is possible.
- إذا الشعب يوما أراد الحياة فلا بد أن يستجيب القدر
- If the people wanted life, destiny better respond.
- إذا المرء لم يدنس من اللؤم عرضه فكل رداء يرتديه جميل
- إذا أنت أكرمت الكريم ملكته وإن أنت أكرمت اللئيم تمردا
- Be generous to a generous person and you'd win him, be generous to a mean person and he'd rebel on you.
- Tradução: "Seja generoso a uma pessoa generosa e tu a ganharás, seja generoso a uma pessoa avarenta e ela se revoltará em ti."
- Be generous to a generous person and you'd win him, be generous to a mean person and he'd rebel on you.
- إذا أنت لم تشرب مرارا على القذى ظمئت وأي الناس تصفو مشاربه
- إذا بلغ الرأي المشورة فاستعن بحزم ناصح أو نصيحة حازم
- If there's no choice but advice, ask for the decisiveness of an advisor or the advice of a decisive person.
- إذا تخاصم اللصان ظهر المسروق
- If two thieves quarreled, what was stolen emerges.
- إذا تفرقت الغنم قادتها العنز الجرباء
- Shall the sheep go astray, they will be led by the ill goat.
- إذا تكلمت بالكلمة ملكتك وإذا لم تتكلم بها ملكتها
- If you speak the word it shall own you, and if you don't you shall own it.
- إذا تم العقل نقص الكلام
- The smarter you get the fewer words you'd say.
- Tradução: "Quanto mais esperto te tornas, menos palavras dizes."
- The smarter you get the fewer words you'd say.
- إذا تمنيت فاستكثر
- If you wish/ask, wish/ask for more.
- Tradução: "Se desejares / pedires algo, desejes / peças mais."
- If you wish/ask, wish/ask for more.
- إذا حضر الماء بطل التيمم
- If the water is available you need not clean up with sand.
- Tradução: "Se a água é disponível, não precisas te limpar com areia."
- If the water is available you need not clean up with sand.
- إذا ذكرت الذئب فأعد له العصا
- If you mentioned the wolf you better prepare the stick.
- إذا ذكرت الذئب فخذ الحذر
- If you mentioned the wolf you better watch out.
- إذا رأيت نيوب الليث بارزة فلا تظنن أن الليث يبتسم
- If you see the fangs of the lions, don't think the lion is smiling. (From a famous poem by Almotanabbi)
- Tradução: "Se vires as presas do leão, não penses que o leão está sorrindo. (De um famoso poema de Almotanabbi; NT: há uma incoerência na frase inglesa)
- If you see the fangs of the lions, don't think the lion is smiling. (From a famous poem by Almotanabbi)
- إذا زل العالِمُ زل بزلته عالَمٌ
- The mistake of the scientist leads to mistakes by many people. (or to bad effects in general)
- إذا سلمت من الأسد فلا تطمع في صيده
- If you are saved from the lion, do not be greedy and hunt it. (Meaning: "Don't press your luck.")
- Tradução: "Se fores salvo de um lião, não sejas voraz e não o caces." (Significado: "Não abuses da tua sorte.")
- If you are saved from the lion, do not be greedy and hunt it. (Meaning: "Don't press your luck.")
- إذا سمعت الرجل يقول فيك من الخير ما ليس فيك فلا تأمن أن يقول فيك من الشر ما ليس فيك
If you hear a person talking good about things that aren't in you, don't be sure that he wouldn't also say bad things about things that aren't in you.
- إذا صدأ الرأي أصقلته المشورة
- Advice sharpens a rusty opinion.
- إذا ضربت فأوجع فإن الملامة واحدة
- If you are to hit then make it painful, because you'll get one (the same) blame eitherways.
- Tradução: "Se fores para bater, bate com força, pois terás uma (a mesma) culpa na mesma."
- If you are to hit then make it painful, because you'll get one (the same) blame eitherways.
- إذا ظلمت من دونك فلا تأمن عقاب من فوقك
- If you opress who is below you then you won't be safe from the punishment of who is above you.
- إذا عُرِفَ السبب بطل العجب
- When the reason is known, there will be no more shock. (Said when you are wondering why something happened.)
- إذا غامَرْتَ في شرف مروم فلا تقنع بما دون النجوم
- If you reach for the highest of ideals, you shouldn't settle for less than the stars
- إذا فرغ الفؤاد ذهب الرقاد
- If the heart is empty, the rest will soon abandon you too.
- Tradução: "Se o coração está vazio, o resto irá abandonar-te logo."
- If the heart is empty, the rest will soon abandon you too.
- إذا قصرت يدك عن المكافأة فليصل لسانك بالشكر
- If you can't reward then you should thank.
- Tradução: "Se não podes recompensar então deverias agradecer."
- If you can't reward then you should thank.
- إذا كان الصبر مُرًّا فعاقبته حلوة
- If patience is sour then its result is sweet.
- Tradução: "Se a paciência é amarga, os seus resultados são doces."
- If patience is sour then its result is sweet.
- إذا كان الكلام من فضة فالسكوت من ذهب
- If talk is silver then silence is gold.
- Tradução: "Se a conversa é prata então o silêncio é ouro."
- If talk is silver then silence is gold.
- إذا كنت تدري فتلك مصيبة وإن كنت لا تدري فالمصيبة أعظم
- If you know then it's a disaster, and if you don't know then it's a greater disaster. (Like: if a leader knows or doesn't know about the corruption in his group)
- إذا كنت ذا رأي فكن ذا عزيمة
- If you had an opinion you better be determined.
- إذا لم ينفعك البازي فانتف ريشه
- If an eagle (falcon?) is no good, cut it's feathers off.
- إذا هَبَّتْ رياحك فاغتنمها
- If a wind blows, ride it! (If a chance comes, take advantage of it)
- اذالم تستحي فأفعل ما تشاء
- If you have no shame then do whatever you want.
- Tradução: "Se não tens nenhuma vergonha então faz o que queres."
- If you have no shame then do whatever you want.
- أذل البخل أعناق الرجال
- Stinginess demeans the value of man.
- أرخص من التمر في البصرة
- Cheaper than dates (fruit) in Basra.
- Tradução: "Mais barato que tâmaras (fruto) em Basra."
- Cheaper than dates (fruit) in Basra.
- أرسل حكيما ولا توصه
- Send a wise man and don't advise him. (He should know what to do)
- Tradução: "Manda um homem sábio e não o aconselhes." (Ele deverá saber o que fazer)
- Send a wise man and don't advise him. (He should know what to do)
- أرفع من السماء
- Higher than the heavens(sky).
- Tradução: "Mais alto que o Paraíso(céu)."
- Higher than the heavens(sky).
- أرق من النسيم
- Smoother than breeze.
- أرى كل إنسان يرى عيب غيره ويعمى عن العيب الذي هو فيه
- Every person is observant to the flaws of others and blind to his own flaws.
- Tradução: "Toda a pessoa é observante para os defeitos dos outros e cego para os seus próprios defeitos."
- Every person is observant to the flaws of others and blind to his own flaws.
- ازرع كل يوم تأكل
- Plant each day and you will eat.
- أزهى من طاووس
- Brighter (more big-headed?) than a peacock.
- أساء سمعا فأساء إجابة
- Heard the question wrong, answered wrong.
- أسبق من الأجل
- Faster than death(fate).
- Tradução: "Mais rápido que a morte(destino)."
- Faster than death(fate).
- أسبق من الأفكار
- Faster than thoughts.
- Tradução: "Mais rápido que os pensamentos."
- Faster than thoughts.
- استر عورة أخيك لما يعلمه فيك
- Protect your brother's privacy for what he knows of you
- استقبال الموت خير من استدباره
- Meeting death is better than trying to ignore it
- Tradução: "Encontrar a morte é melhor que tentar ignorá-la."
- Meeting death is better than trying to ignore it
- أسد عليَّ وفي الحروب نعامة
- A lion on me and an ostritch in war. (Strong in a place and weak in another)
- Tradução: "Um lião em mim e uma avstruz em guerra." (Forte num lugar e fraco noutro)
- A lion on me and an ostritch in war. (Strong in a place and weak in another)
- أسرع من البرق
- Faster than lightning.
- أسرع من الريح
- Faster than the wind.
- Tradução: "Mais rápido que o vento."
- Faster than the wind.
- أسرع من الطرف
- Faster than eye blink.
- Tradução: "Mais rápido que o o piscar de olhos."
- Faster than eye blink.
- أسرع من سهم
- Faster than an arrow.
- Tradução: "Mais rápido que uma seta."
- Faster than an arrow.
- الإشارات تُغْني اللبيب عن العبارات
- For smart people, signs can replace words.
- أشأم من البسوس
- More jinxed than Al Basoos.
- اشتدي يا أزمة تنفرجي
- A problem is solved when it gets tougher.
- أشجع من ديك
- Bolder than a rooster.
- أشجى من حمامة
- Has a better voice than a pigeon.
- أشد الفاقة عدم العقل
- The greatest poorness is the lack of brains.
- Tradução: "A maior probreza é a falta de cérebros."
- The greatest poorness is the lack of brains.
- اشكر من أَنْعَمَ عليك وأَنْعِمْ على من شكرك
- Thank who gives you and give who thanks you.
- أشهر من النار على الْعَلَمِ
- More famous than a fire on a flag.
- اصبر تنل
- Have patience and you'll get what you want.
- Tradução: "Seja paciente e terás o que queres."
- Have patience and you'll get what you want.
- أصبر من حمار
- More enduring than a donkey
- أصحاب العقول في نعيم
- Smart people are blessed.
- Tradução: "Pessoas inteligentes são abençoadas"
- Smart people are blessed.
- أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم
- My friends are like stars, pick one and it'll guide you.
- Tradução: "Os meus amigos são como estrelas. Escolhe um e ele(a) te guiará."
- My friends are like stars, pick one and it'll guide you.
- أصفى من الدمعة
- More pure than a tear.
- Tradução: "Mais puro que uma lágrima."
- More pure than a tear.
- إصلاح الموجود خير من انتظار المفقود
- Fixing the known is better than waiting for the unknown.
- أصنع من دود القز
- More handy (hard working, crafty) than a silk worm.
- اضحك يضحك العالم معك وابك تبك وحدك
- Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone
- Tradução: "Ri e o mundo ri contigo. Chora e chorarás sozinho."
- Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone
- اِضْرِبْ ما دام الحديد حامياً
- Beat the iron while it is hot.
- Tradução: "Bate o ferro enquanto ele está quente."
- Beat the iron while it is hot.
- أضيع من قمر الشتاء
- more lost then the winter moon
- Tradução: "Mais perdido que a Lua do Inverno."
- more lost then the winter moon
- أضيق من ثقب الإبرة
- Tighter than a needle's eye.
- اطلب تظفر
- Seek to get.
- Tradução: "Procura para teres."
- Seek to get.
- اطلب من العلوم علماً ينفعك ينفي الأذى والعيب ثم يرفعك
- ask for a science that would be useful to you, would keep you from harm and shame, then elevate you
- اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد
Seek education from the cradle to the grave.
- Tradução: "Procura educação desde o berço à sepultura."
- اطلبوا العلم ولو في الصين
- Seek education even if it takes you to China.
- Tradução: "Procura a educação mesmo que para isso tenhas de ir á China."
- Seek education even if it takes you to China.
- أطمع من أشعب
- More greedy than Asha'ab. (A very greedy man)
- Tradução: "Mais avarento que Asha'ab." (um homem muito avarento)
- More greedy than Asha'ab. (A very greedy man)
- أطهر الناس أعراقاً أحسنهم أخلاقاً
- The purest people are the ones with good manners.
- Tradução: "As pessoas mais puras são as que têm boas maneiras."
- The purest people are the ones with good manners.
- أطول من ليل الشتاء
- Longer than the winter's night.
- Tradução: "Mais longo que a noite de Inverno."
- Longer than the winter's night.
- أطول من يوم الفراق
- longer than a sepration day
- أظلم من أفعى
- More vicious than a snake
- Tradução: "Mais vicioso que uma cobra."
- More vicious than a snake
- أظلم من الليل
- Darker than the night.
- Tradução: "Mais escuro que uma noite."
- Darker than the night.
- أعدّوا لكلب السوء كلبا يعادله
- prepare for the evil dog a dog who's equal to it
- أعدل من الميزان
- More fair than scales.
- Tradução: "Mais justo que balanças."
- More fair than scales.
- اعرف صاحبك واتركه
- know your friend then leave him
- أعز مكان في الدنا سرج سابح وخير جليس في الزمان كتاب
- The best place in the world is on the back of a horse, and the best thing to do in time is to read a book.
- أعز من الولد ولد الولد
- The only more dear to you than your child, is your child's child
- أعط الخبز لخبازه ولو أكل نصفه
- Literal meaning: Give the dough to baker even if he eats half of it.
- Translation: Give the job to a person who knows how to perform it best even if it will cost you.
- اعطني عمر وارميني بالبحر
- Literal meaning: Give me long life and throw me in the sea.
- اعقلها وتوكل
- Tie your camel and rely on God (Prophet's saying)
- أعلمه الرماية كل يوم فلما أشتد ساعِدُهُ رماني
- I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me.
- Tradução: "Eu ensino-lhe tiro com arco todos os dias, e quando ele fica bom nisso, atira-me uma seta."
- I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me.
- اعمل الطيب وارمه البحر
- Do good and throw it in sea. (Don't expect rewards for good deeds)
- الأعور في وسط العميان ملك
- Among the blind, the one-eyed man is king
- Tradução: "Entre cegos, quem tem um olho é rei."
- Among the blind, the one-eyed man is king
- أغدر من ذئب
- More treacherous than a wolf.
- Tradução: "Mais traiçoeiro que um lobo."
- أغزل من امرئ القيس
- more flirty than oumrou'o al kayss.
- آفة الحديث الكذب
- Lies are the plague of speech.
- آفة العِلْم النسيان
- Forgetness is the plague of knowledge.
- الإفراط في التواضع يجلب المذلة
- too much modesty brings shame
- Tradução: "Muita modéstia traz vergonha."
- too much modesty brings shame
- الأفعال أبلغ من الأقوال
- Actions speak louder than words
- Tradução: "As acções falam mais alto que as palavras."
- Actions speak louder than words
- أقبح من السحر
- Uglier than magic.
- Tradução: "Mais feio que a magia."
- Uglier than magic.
- أقبح من الغول
- More hideous than an ogre(ghoul).
- أقبح من خنزير
- More hideous than a pig.
- أقبح من زوال النعمة
- More hideous than the disappearence of good fortune
- أقبح من قرد
- More hideous than a monkey.
- أقبح من قول بلا فعل
- More hideous than a say without a do.
- أقبح من منّ على نيل
- الاقتصاد في النفقة نصف المعيشة
- Moderation in spending is half of all living
- أقرب من اللسان للأسنان
- Closer than the closeness of the teeth to the tongue.
- الأقربون أولى بالمعروف
- Your relations (in need) are more deserving of your generosity
- أقسى من الحجر
- Tougher than a stone.
- أقسى من صخرة
- Tougher than a rock.
- أقل الناس سروراً الحسود
- The envious person is a sad person.
- أقلل طعامك تجد منامك
- Eat less food to find more sleep.
- Tradução: "Come menos para encontrares mais sono."
- Eat less food to find more sleep.
- أكبر منك بيوم يعرف عنك بسنة
- Older than you by a day, more knowledgeable than you by a year
- أكتم من الأرض
- More silent (or keeping promises) than the earth.
- أكذب من سراب
- More fake than a mirage.
- Tradução: "Mais falso que uma miragem."
- More fake than a mirage.
- إكرام الميت دفنه
- Burial is the way to honor the dead
- Tradução: "Enterro é a maneira de honrar os mortos."
- Burial is the way to honor the dead
- أكل عليه الدهر وشرب
Time has eaten and drank upon it. (It's too old)
- آكل من النار
- Eats more than a fire.
- Tradução: "Come mais que um fogo."
- Eats more than a fire.
- آكل من حوت
- Eats more than a whale.
- أكل وحمد خير من أكل وصمت
- Ate and praised (God) is better than ate and was silence.
- آلف من كلب
- More tame than a dog
- Tradução: "Mais domesticado que um cão."
- More tame than a dog
- إلى حتفي مَشَتْ قدمي
- My feet took me to my death.
- Tradução: "Os meus pés levaram-me para a minha morte."
- My feet took me to my death.
- الأم مدرسة إذا أعددتها أعددت شعباً طيب الأعراق
- a mother is a school, preparing her is like preparing a good nation
- Tradução: "Uma mãe é como uma escola. Prepara-la é como prepara uma boa nação."
- a mother is a school, preparing her is like preparing a good nation
- آمن من حمام مكة
- safer than the pigeon of Mekkah
- أمنع من أنف الأسد
- more robust than the nose of a lion
- Tradução: "Mais robusto que o nariz de um lião."
- more robust than the nose of a lion
- إن أخاك من واساك
- your brother is that who consoles you
- Tradução: "O teu irmão é aquele que te consola."
- your brother is that who consoles you
- إن الأيادي قروض
- hands are loans
- إن البعوضة تُدْمي مُقْلةَ الأسد
- A mosquito can make the lion's eye bleed.
- Tradução: "Um mosquito pode fazer sangrar o olho de um lião."
- A mosquito can make the lion's eye bleed.
- إن الجبان حتْفُه من فوقه
- the destiny of a coward comes from over him
- إن الجواد قد يعثر
- A horse can trip.
- إن الحياة عقيدة وجهاد
- Life is a dogma and a fight for the dogma. (Jihad)
- إن الشباب والفراغ والْجِدَة مفسدة للمرء أي مفسدة
- youth and void and edginess ruin men
- إن الغصون إذا قومتها اعتدلت
branches straighten
- إن الله يمهل ولا يهمل
- God gives time but doesn't ignore (or forget).
- Tradução: "Deus dá tempo mas não ignora (ou esquece)."
- God gives time but doesn't ignore (or forget).
- إن غدا لناظره قريب
- Tomorrow is close if you wait it. (Tomorrow is another day.)
- إن غلا اللحم فالصبر رخيص
- If meat is expensive then patience is cheap.
- Tradução: "Se a carne é cara a paciência é barata."
- If meat is expensive then patience is cheap.
- إن كبر ابنك آخيه
- When your son grows up, become his brother. (befriend him)
- إن كنت ريحا فقد لاقيت إعصارا
- If you're a wind then I'm a twister.
- إن كنت كذوباً فكن ذكوراً
- if you're a liar, then have a good memory
- إن لم يكن وفاق ففراق
- if no agreement, then separation
- إن مع اليوم غدا يا مسعدة
- إن مفاتيح الأمور العزائم
- the key to all things is determination
- Tradução: "A chave para todas as coisas é a determinação."
- أنا الغريق فما خوفي من البلل
- I'm already drowning so why should I fear getting wet?
- Tradução: "Já estou-me afogado. Porque deveria ter medo de me molhar?"
- I'm already drowning so why should I fear getting wet?
- أنا لها ولكل عظيمة
- I'm up to it and to any great thing.
- الإنسان بالتفكير والله بالتدبير
- Human thinks and God plans.
- Tradução: "O Homem pensa e Deus planeia."
- Human thinks and God plans.
- أنفك منك ولو كان أجدع
- Your nose is a part of you even if it was cut (or ugly).
- إنك تضرب في حديد بارد
- You are striking cold iron. (You can't change it)
- أول الشجرة بذرة
- A tree starts with a seed.
- Tradução: "Uma árvore começa com uma semente."
- A tree starts with a seed.
- أول الغضب جنون وآخره ندم
- The beginning of anger is madness and the end of it is regret
- Tradução: "O começo da ira é a loucura e o seu fim o pesar."
- The beginning of anger is madness and the end of it is regret
- أوهن من بيت العنكبوت
- Weaker than a spider's net.
- Tradução: "Mais fraco que a teia de uma aranha."
- Weaker than a spider's net.
- أيأس من غريق
- More desperate than a drowning person
- Tradução: "Mais desesperado que uma pessoa a afogar-se."
- More desperate than a drowning person
- إياك وأن يضرب لسانك عنقك
- never let your tongue hit your neck
- Tradução: "Nunca deixes a tua lingua bater o teu pescoço."
- never let your tongue hit your neck
- إياك وصاحب السوء فإنه يحسن منظره ويقبح أثره
- إياك وما يعتذر منه
- Avoid what will require an apology.
- Tradução: "Evita aquilo que requerirá uma desculpa."
- Avoid what will require an apology.
- الأيام دول
- days are countries
- Tradução: "Dias são países."
- days are countries
- أيقظ من ذئب
- More awake than a wolf
- Tradução: "Mais acordado que um lobo."
- More awake than a wolf
editar- الباب الذي يأتيك بالريح سده واسترح
- Close the door from which the wind blows and relax.
- باب النجار مخَلَّع
- The carpenter's door is loose.
- باع كرمه واشترى معصرة
- He sold his vinyard and bought a squeezer.
- بالتأني تُدْرَكُ الفُرَصُ
- With carefulness you realize your opportunity.
- بالرفاء والبنين
- With rapport and offsprings. Said to congratulate newlyweds.
- البخيل عظيم الرواق صغير الأخلاق
- The stingy has a big porch and little morality.
- البعد جفاء
- Distance is disaffection.
- بعض العفو ضعف
- Some forgiveness is weakness.
- البعيد عن العين بعيد عن القلب
- Those who are far from the eye are far from the heart.
editar- تاج المروءة التواضع
- the crown of ... is modesty
- التجربة العلم الكبير
- Experimenting is the great science.
- تجري الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن
- Winds blow counter to what ships desire.
- تركتهم في حيص بيص
- You left them lost and bewildered.
- تعاشروا كالإخوان وتحاسبوا كالغرباء
- Get together like brother, and keep each other in check like strangers
- تعاشروا كالإخوان وتعاملوا كالأغراب
- Get together like brothers, and work together like strangers.
- التكبر على المتكبر تواضع
- Arrogance over the arrogant is modesty.
editar- الثروة تأتي كالسلحفاة وتذهب كالغزال
- Wealth comes like a turtle and goes away like a gazelle.
editar- الجار قبل الدار
- The neighbour comes before the home. meaning: Treat your neighbour even better than you treat your own family/home. OR Know who your neighbours are before buying a home.
- الجنة بدون ناس لا تُداس
- Paradise without people is not worth living in.
- الجنة تحت أقدام الأمهات
- Paradise is under mothers' feet
- الجهل شر الأصحاب
- Ignorance is the worst acquaintance.
- الجهل موت الأحياء
- Ignorance is the death of the living.
- الجوع كافر
- Hunger is an infidel.
- جولة الباطل ساعة وجولة الحق إلى قيام الساعة
- Falseness lasts an hour, and truth lasts till the end of time.
editar- الحاجة تفتق الحيلة
- Need excavates the trick.
- حافٍ يسخر بناعل
- An unshod mocks a shoe.
- الحب أعمى
- Love is blind.
- حب الوطن من الإيمان
- Loving your country is pious.
- حبر على ورق
- Ink on paper.
- حبل الكذب قصير
- The rope of lies is short.
- حج والناس راجعون
- Went to Haj while pilgrims are coming back
- Refers to people who are late in doing things.
- حراك به وهن أضعف خلق الله إنسانا
- الحركة بركة
- Movement is a blessing.
- حسبه صيدا فكان قيدا
- Thought he was a great catch, turns out he is a shackle.
- الحسد ثِقْلٌ لا يضعه حامله
- Envy is a weight not placed by its bearer.
- حُسْنُ الخلق خير قرين
- Good manners is the greatest friend.
- الحصاة من الجبل
- The pebble comes from the mountain.
- حظ في السحاب وعقل في التراب
- Luck in the sky and brains in the ground.
- حفظ السر أمانة
- Keeping a secret is a commitment
- الحُمْقُ داء ولا دواء له
- Stupidity is a disease without a medicine.
- حنانيك بعض الشر أهون من بعض
- الحي أبقى من الميت
- The living is more important than the dead.
- حيلة العاجز دموعه
- The only trick the incapable has, are his tears.
editar- خادم سيدين يكذب على أحدهما
- A servant who has two masters, lies to one of them.
- الخاذل أخو القاتل
- The deserter is the brother of the murderer.
- خالف تُعْرَفْ
- Dissent and you will be known.
- خالف هواك ترشد
- Oppose your affection to find rationality.
- خذو الحكمة من أفواه البسطاء
- Words of wisdom comes out of simple people mouths.
- خرج من المولد بلا حُمّص
- Literal meaning: He left the party without having Hommos.
- خير الأشياء جديدها
- The best thing is the newest thing.
- خير الأصدقاء من ترك المزاح
- The best friend is the one who does not joke around.
- خير الخلال حفظ اللسان
- Watching what you say is your best friend.
- خير الكلام ما قل ودل
- The ideal phrase is that which is short and to the point.
- خير مالك ما نفعك
- The best of the things you own, is what is useful to you.
- الخَيْرُ يُخَيِّر والشر يغَيّر
- الخيل أعرف بفارسها
- The horse knows its knight the best.
editar- دخان الأقارب يُعمِي
- Smoke of the neighbours renders you blind
- Tradução: "A fumaça dos vizinhos é a que te cega."
- Smoke of the neighbours renders you blind
- الدراهم مراهم
- Money is a Cure
- دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء وطب نفسا بما حكم القضاء
- الدم لا يصير ماء
- Blood can never turn into water.
- Tradução: "Sangue nunca se transforma em àgua."
- Blood can never turn into water.
- الدهر يومان حلو ومر
- Life is made of two days. One which is sweet and the other is bitter.
- Tradução: "A vida é feita de dois dias. Um que é doce e outro que é amargo."
- Life is made of two days. One which is sweet and the other is bitter.
- دواء الدهر الصبر عليه
- the cure for fate is patience.
- Tradução: "A cura do destino é a paciência."
- the cure for fate is patience.
- الدين النصيحة
- A good advice is part of the Religion. (In reference to a good Muslim has to give an advice when needed).
editar- ذكر الفتى عمره الثاني
- Remind the youngster of his next life.
- ذل من لا سيف له
- The one without a sword gets humiliated.
- Tradução: "Aquele que não tem espada é humilhado."
- The one without a sword gets humiliated.
- ذنبه على جنبه
- His fault is besides him.
- الذي لا يعرف الصقر يشويه
- He who does not know the falcon would grill it.
- الذي لا يعرفك يجهلك
- He who does not know you is not informed of you.
editar- راحت السكرة وجاءت الفكرة
- The idea came after the drunkness passed away.
- الرأي قبل شجاعة الشجعان
- Opinion comes before the bravery of the braves.
- رأيت الناس قد مالوا إلى من عنده مال
- I saw people tending to the one who has money
- رب عذر أقبح من ذنب
- An excuse is sometime more ugly than a guilt
- Tradução: "Uma desculpa, por vezes, é mais feia que uma culpa."
- An excuse is sometime more ugly than a guilt
- ربك رب قلوب
- Your lord is the lord of hearts.
- Tradução: "O teu senhor é o senhor dos corações."
- Your lord is the lord of hearts.
- ربما أراد الأحمق نفعك فضرك
- The stupid might have wanted to help you, but ended up hurting you.
- Tradução: "O estupido provavelmente tentou ajudar-te, mas acabou por te aleijar."
- The stupid might have wanted to help you, but ended up hurting you.
- رجع بخفي حنين
- Came back with Hunain's shoes. meaning: Came back with nothing.
- رجعت حليمه لعادتها القديمة
- halima came back to her old habits
- رمية من غير رام
- A throw without a thrower.
editar- زرع آباؤنا فأكلنا ونزرع ليأكل أبناؤنا
- Our parents planted so we ate, and we plant for our children to eat.
- زرعوا فأكلنا ونزرع فيأكلون
- They planted so we ate, and we plant so they would eat.
- زمَّارُ الحي لا يُطْرِبُ
- The village's piper does not exhilarate.
editar- سافر تجد عوضا عما تفارقه
- Journey and you will find replacement to the ones left behind.
- ساقي القوم آخرهم شراباً
- The person who pours water to other is the last one to drink.
- Não joga pérola aos porco irmão, joga lavagem.
- The person who pours water to other is the last one to drink.
- الساكت عن الحق شيطان أخرس
- A person who does not speak out against the wrong is a mute devil.
- Tradução: "A pessoa que não fala contra o mal é um diabo mudo."
- A person who does not speak out against the wrong is a mute devil.
- سبق السيف العذل
- Blame comes before swords.
- ستبدي لك الأيام ما كنت جاهلا
- Life will show you what you did not know.
- Tradução: "A vida irá te mostrar aquilo que tu não sabes."
- Life will show you what you did not know.
- سر النجاح على الدوام هو أن تسير إلى الأمام
- The secret to success is to walk forward.
- سرك أسيرك
- Your secret is your captive.
- السكوت علامة الرضا
- Silence is the sign of approval.
- Tradução: "O silêncio é um sinal de aprovação."
- Silence is the sign of approval.
- السلاح ثم الكفاح
- The weapon first, fighting second.
- السماء لا تمطر ذهباً ولا فضة
- The sky does not rain gold or silver.
- سمن على عسل
- Literal meaning: Cooking fat on honey.
- Translation: To get along very well.
- سيد القوم خادمهم
- Literal meaning: The people's lord is their servant.
- سيف السلطان طويل
- Literal meaning: The sultan's sword is long.
editar- صاحب القرش صياد
- Literal meaning: The fisherman is the shark's friend.
- الصديق وقت الضيق
- Literal meaning: The friend in tight times.
- Translation: A friend is the one that lends a hand during the time of need.
editar- الضحك بلا سبب من قلة الأدب
- Laughing for no reason is rude.
- الضرب في الميت حرام
- Beating the dead is a sin.
- ضربني وبكى وسبقني واشتكى
- He beat me and cried, and went before me to complain.
editar- طفح الكيل
- Literal meaning: The gauge has overflown.
- Translation: To run out of patience.
- الطيور على أشكالها تقع
- Literal meaning: Birds falls on its form.
editar- القدوة الحسنة خير من النصيحة
- Leading by example is better than giving and advice.
- القدوة الحسنة خير من الوصية
- Leading by example is better than commandments.
- القرد في عين أمه غزال
- The monkey in his mother's eye is a gazelle.
- القرش الأبيض ينفع في اليوم الأسود
- The white penny will become useful in your dark days.
- القناعة كنز لا يفنى
- Content is an everlasting treasure.
- قيل للبغل: "من أبوك" قال "الفرس خالي"
- The mule was asked: "Who is your father?" It responded with: "The horse is my uncle."
- قَيِّدُوا العلم بالكتابة
- Inscribe science in writing.
editar- كاد الفقر أن يكون كفراً
- life's a bitch
editar- لا تؤجل عمل اليوم إلى الغد
- Don't delay today's work until tomorrow.
- لا تأكل خبزك على مائدة غيرك
- Don't eat your bread on someone else's table.
- لا تقول للمغني غني حتى يغني لحالو
- Don't ask the singer to sing until he wishes to sing by himself.
- لا يُشَقُّ له غبار
- Dust does not burden him.
- لا يشكر الناس من لا يشكر الله
- People don't thank someone who doesn't thank God.
- لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحره مرتين
- Dawn does not come twice to awaken a man.
- لسانك حصانك إن صنته صانك، وإن هنته هانك
- Your tongue is your horse— if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you betray it, betrays it will.
- لكل داء دواء إلا الموت
- Every disease has a medicine except for death.
- اللي بشوف مصائب الناس بتهون عليه مصيبته
- He who sees the calamity of other people finds his own calamity light.
- اللي بيمشيش معاك,امشي معاه
- Who does not go with you, go with him.
- اللي استحوا ماتوا
- They whom got shy, died.
editar- النار أهون من العار
- Fire is more bearable than disgrace.
- النار تأكل بعضها إن لم تجد ما تأكله
- Fire will burn itself out if it did not find anything to burn.
- النار قد تُخَلِّفُ رماداً
- Fire could leave ashes behind.
- الناس أتباع من غَلبْ
- People follow the winner
- الناس أعداء ما جهلوا
- People are enemies of that which they don't know
- الناس سواسية كأسنان المشط
- People are equal like the teeth of a comb.
- الناس عبيد الإحسان
- People are slaves (i.e. indebted) to charity/ good deeds
- الناس على دين ملوكهم
- People follow the religion/ ways of their kings
- الناس لبعضها
- People are for each other.
- الناس لولا الدين لأكل بعضهم بعضا
- If not for religion, people would've killed each other.
- النظافة من الإيمان
- Cleanliness is out of faith
- نعم الجدود ولكن بئس ما خلفوا
- How great the grandfathers are, but how regretful what they left behind
- نومة أهل الكهف
- People of the cave's slumber (i.e. very long)
editar- هذا الشبل من ذاك الأسد
- This cub is from that lion.
- هذا الميت لا يساوي ذلك البكاء
- This dead person is not worth all of this grief.
- الهزيمة تحل العزيمة
- A debacle demolishes the will.
editar- الوقت كالسيف إن لم تقطعه قطعك
- Time is like a sword. If you did not cut it, it will cut you
- الوقت من ذهب
- Time is made of gold.
editar- يا ظالم لك يوم
Oh tyrant, your day will come.
- يا مستعجل عطلك الله
Oh hasty one, God will delay you.
- يا مأمنة بالرجال ، متل ياللي مأمنة بالمي في الغربال
- O! my sister that depend on men; you are believing in water in a sieve.
- ياما تحت السواهي دواهي
- Often, under the unseeing hide the cunning.
- ياما في السجن مظاليم
- So many in the jail while innocent.
- ياما القمر عالباب
- O! mother, the moon is at the door.
- يبني قصراً ويهدم مصراً
He builds a castle by demolishing a country (Egypt).
- يخاف من خياله
- Afraid of one's shadow.
- يخاف من ظله
- Afraid of one's shadow.
- يخلق من الشبه أربعين
- God creates 40 people with the same looks.
- يد الحر ميزان
He who is free to do what he wants will use his hand as a balance.
- يد الله مع الجماعة
- God's hand is with those who work in groups.
- يد واحدة لا تحمل بطيختين
One hand can't hold two watermelons.
- يد واحدة لا تصفق
- One hand cannot clap.
- يُدْخِلُ شعبان في رمضان
He mixes Ramadan with Sha'ban (2 of the lunar months). Meaning: He confuses the issue.
- يذبح الطاووس لجمال ريشه
He kills the peacock for the beauty of its feathers.
- يساعد الله الذين يساعدون أنفسهم
God helps those who help themselves.
- يسرق الكحل من العين
- He steals the mascara from her eyes.
- يصطاد في الماء العكر
- He fishes in unclear water.
- يصوم يصوم ويفطر على بصلة
He fasts and fasts, then he breaks his fast with an onion.
- يضحك كثيرا من يضحك أخيرا
He laughs most he who laughs last.
- يعمل من الحبة قُبَّةً
He makes a dome out of a grain. Meaning: He worries about a small problem as if it is a big one.
- يقتل القتيل ويسير في جنازته
- Kiils the victim and walks in his wake.
- يمشي رويدا ويكون أولا
He walks slowly and arrives first.
- يناطح بقرني طين
He fights (headbutts) with horns made of clay.
- يوم السرور قصير
The day of happiness is short.
- اليوم خمر وغدا أمر
- Today is wine, and tomorrow is an assignment. Today we will drink wine, and tomorrow we will work hard.
- يوم لنا ويوم علينا
- One day is for us, and the other is against us.
English ou tradução portuguesa (acompanhado do original em árabe)
editar- Um livro é como um jardim carregado no bolso.
- A melhor opção para todas as vezes que se sentar é um livro.
- وخير جليس في الزمان كتاب
- Muito tem o corvo de sua mãe.
- A monkey that amuses me is better than a deer astray.
- Uma boca que reza e uma mão que mata.
- Uma promessa é como uma nuvem; concretização é chuva; e a melhor promessa é que tal foi provado pela chuva.
- الوعد سحابة والإنجاز مطر وأحسن المواعيد ما صدقه الإمطار
- Um segredo é como uma pomba: quando deixa a minha mão, cria asas.
- A sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the tightrope of life.
- A wise man associating with the vicious becomes an idiot; a dog traveling with good men becomes a rational being.
- All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are moveable, and those that move.
- All sunshine makes a desert.
- An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
- Arrogance diminishes wisdom.
- التكبر يضعف الحكمة
- Arrogance is a weed that grows mostly on a dunghill.
- A bite from a lion is better the look of envy.
- Ask the experienced rather than a doctor (the learned).
- اسأل مجرب ولا تسأل طبيب
- Ask thy purse what thou should'st buy.
- At the narrow passage there is no brother and no friend.
- Believe what you see and not all you hear.
- صدق ما ترى ولا تصدق كل ما تسمع
- Better safe than sorry.
- في العجلة الندامه وفي التأني السلامه
- Better late than never.
- أن تأتي متأخرا أفضل من أن لا تأتي
- Call someone your lord and he'll sell you in the slave market.
- Do not buy either the moon or the news, for in the end they will both come out.
- Dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
- الكلاب تعوي والقافلة تسير
- Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire.
- Eat whatever thou likest, but dress as others do.
- Eat whatever you like, but dress as others do.
- Every ambitious man is a captive and every covetous one a pauper.
- Every day of your life is a page of your history.
- Every sun has to set.
- مصير كل شمس الغروب
- Examine what is said, not him who speaks.
- Example is better than precept.
- For every glance behind us, we have to look twice to the future.
- For the sake of the flowers, the weeds are watered.
- Give a man some cloth and he'll ask for some lining.
- Goha said to his son that he wont sleep beside him. Said: Saved us your farts.
- Had the monkey seen its ass, it wouldn’t have danced.
- He fasted for a whole year and then broke his fast with an onion.
- مثل اللي صام سنة وافطر على بصل
- He Said where are you going grape, She sighed : I am staying on the couch.
- He who has health has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.
- He who peeps at the neighbor's window may chance to lose his eyes.
- He who got out of his home lessened his value.
- He who plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.
- He who speaks about the future lies, even when he tells the truth.
- كذب المنجمون ولو صدقوا
- He who was left by the bald is taken by the hairy. (Not the comb)
- I tell no, I don’t you no but the habit in you prevails. AND the tail of the dog never straightens up even if you hang to it a brick.
- ذيل الكلب ما ينعدل
- If a poor man ate it, they would say it was because of his stupidity.
- If the hair was precious, wouldn't grow on the ass.
- If thy beloved was honey, don’t lick all of him.
- ان كان محبوبك عسل ما تلحسه كله
- If you conduct yourself properly, fear no one.
- If your house is of glass, don't throw rocks at others.
ان كان بيتك من زجاج فلا ترم الناس بالحجارة
- Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.
- Make your bargain before beginning to plow.
- Many are the roads that do not lead to the heart.
- Meaningless laughter is a sign of ill-breeding.
- Measure your quilt, then stretch your legs.
- على قد لحافك مد رجليك
- Meat and mass never hindered man.
- Never give advice in a crowd.
- Never speak ill of the dead.
- No crowd ever waited at the gates of patience.
- No cure, no pay.
- O! my brother Flip the pot on its mouth, the daughters turn into their mums.
- اقلب الجرة على فمها تطلع البنت لامها
- O! my sister close thy door, and enough what happened to you.
- O! my sister Your son is like how you raised him. And your husband is like how you trained him.
- O! Count thy sheep Goha. Goha said one is asleep and the other is awake.
- O! Count the waves of the sea Goha. Goha said the comings are more than what passed.
- O! You sitting, may God protect you from the evils of the comers.
- On the day of victory no one is tired.
- One hand for oneself and one for the ship.
- Only the tent pitched by your own hands will stand.
- Only three things in life are certain birth, death and change.
- Proverbs are the lamp of speech.
- Said: What would the blind want ? Said: A bag of eyes.
- Seek counsel of him who makes you weep, and not of him who makes you laugh.
- Seven trades but no luck.
- سبع صنايع والبخت ضايع
- The ant shall never crawl on its knees.
- The ass went seeking for horns and lost his ears.
- The devil is cunning.
- الشيطان شاطر
- The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on.
الكلاب تعوي والقافلة تسير
- The end of the HONK is BEEP. (Sounds)
- The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
- عدو عدوي صديقي
- The fool has his answer on the tip of his tongue.
- جواب الأحمق على رأس لسانه
- The fruit of silence is tranquility.
- The fruit of timidity is neither gain nor loss.
- The knife of the family does not cut.
- The man and his woman is like the grave and its dead.
- The mind is for seeing, the heart is for hearing.
- The onion of the beloved is a sheep.
- The one-eyed person is a beauty in the country of the blind.
- The sinning is the best part of repentance.
- The whisper of a pretty girl can be heard further than the roar of a lion.
- The wound of words is worse than the wound of swords.
- The wound that bleeds inwardly is the most dangerous.
- The wrath of brothers is fierce and devilish.
- They did not find a fault in the rose, they said O! you are red checked.
- Think of the going out before you enter.
- I got you, O! worshiper of the helper, to help me but you are in need of help.
- Tomorrow we sit by the wall and here it all.
- Visit rarely, and you will be more loved.
- We were silenced by our patience, he entered with his donkey.
- What is learned in youth is carved in stone.
- العلم في الصغر كالنقش في الحجر
- Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. (Meaning: Seek knowledge from the day you are born till the day you die)
- اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد
- What starts with a condition ends with out any oppression.
- When a door opens not to your knock, consider your reputation.
- When what you want doesn't happen, learn to want what does.
- When you are dead, your sister's tears will dry as time goes on, your widow's tears will cease in another's arms, but your mother will mourn you until she dies.
- While the word is yet unspoken, you are master of it; when once it is spoken, it is master of you.
- Wishing does not make a poor man rich.
- Wit is folly unless a wise man hath the keeping of it.
- Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.
- He whose ace gets cut on, gets his underpants off. When you cut, cut high. The Third Hand is the highest hand.