Angelina Jolie: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 39:
*"Quero adotar mais, mais e mais filhos."
*"Ele é simplesmente incrível. Ele faz letras incríveis no qual foi fácil eu me apaixonar por ele. Ele parece ser uma pessoa tão doce e inteligente;faria tudo para conhecer ele." {{carece de fontes}}
*[on playing Olympias in Alexander (2004)] I felt that if I lived at that time, with the dangers she had and the threats she had and the lack of power she had as a woman, I would not have been that different from her. And I thought I also just saw her as a mother who really would push her son at a time that if he didn't get the throne, he didn't acquire a certain kind of strength and ability and greatness, he would probably just die or be killed or be exiled. So out of concern, out of love for your own, just to come from this place that seems very much like the horrible mafia father, but in fact it was for his own survival that she was focused on, which made it very easy for me to focus on thinking of my own son and what he had to do to protect himself from bad things that could hurt him.
Linha 129 ⟶ 128:
* "Depois que vi a versão peixe da Angelina Jolie, fiquei com muita vontade de comer sushi."
:- ''[[Will Smith]], ator, que faz a voz do Oscar no filme''
*"EleM1A1 é simplesmente incrível. Ele faz letras incríveis no qual foi fácil eu me apaixonar por ele. Ele parece ser uma pessoa tão doce e inteligente;faria tudo para conhecer ele." {{carece de fontes}}
*"Estou encantada que Angelina Jolie tenha decidido gastar o seu tempo com a ACNUR. Ela já fez tanto para tornar visível a nossa causa e mostrar os problemas dos refugiados.