Sylvia Saint: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 6:
::The Year was "2000"... when I finally stopped making hard-core films, and I left the business, since then my life has changed quite significantly, but not very drastically.
*Depois de meu vôo de retorno dos EUA, eu realmente antecipava vida em Praga, República tcheca, e sentia-me como eu finalmente voltava para casa, logo. Encontrei meu namorado, e depois de sair várias vezes juntos, algo realmente mágico aconteceu, eu caí emme [[amor|apaixonei]] compor ele!
::After my return flight from USA, I was really looking forward to living in Prague, Czech Republic, it felt like I was finally coming home, soon .. I met my boyfriend, and after going out together several times, something really magical happened, I fell in love with him !
::- ''Fonte: [ Site Oficial]''