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Linha 16:
* Без кота мышам раздолье.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Bez kota mysham razdolye
** TranslationTradução: Sem o gato o rato não têm limites.
* Бережёного бог бережёт.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Berezhyonogo bog berezhyot
** TranslationTradução: Deus mantêm salvo aqueles que estão salvos.
* Бешеной собаке семь верст не крюк.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Beshenoy sobakye syem' vyerst nye kryuk
** TranslationTradução: For a mad dog seven miles is not a detour.
** Moral: If you are passionate (or unreasonably driven) about something you will do all the extra work without noticing it
* Богу молись, а добра-ума держись
** TransliterationPronúncia: Bogu molis', a dobra-uma derzhis'
** TranslationTradução: Pray to God, but be level-headed.
** English version: "Trust in God, but steer away from the rocks"
* Большому кораблю — большое плавание.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Bol'shomu korablyu — bol'shoye plavaniye
** Tradução: Grandes Viagens para grandes navios
** Moral: "Um navio grande pede águas profundas"
* Бодливой корове бог рог не даёт
** TransliterationPronúncia: Bodlivoy korove bog rog ne dayot
** Literally: God does not give horns to a cow that likes to gore
** Moral: Overzealous people often don't have means to do what they would like to
* Была не была.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Byla ne byla
** TranslationTradução: Há - não há
* В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
** TransliterationPronúncia: V gostyakh khorosho, a doma luchshe.
** TranslationTradução: Visiting is good, but home is better.
** English version: "There is no place like home."; "East or West, home is best"
* В семье не без урода.
** TransliterationPronúncia: V sem'ye ne bez uroda.
** TranslationTradução: No family is without an ugly member.
** English version: "There is a black sheep in every flock"
* В тихом омуте черти водятся.
** TransliterationPronúncia: V tikhom omute cherti vodyatsa.
** TranslationTradução: Devils inhabit still waters.
** English version: "The devil lurks behind the cross"; "Always the one you least expect"; "Wolf in sheep's clothing"
** Moral: The bad tends to hide itself in the guise of the good.
* В Тулу со своим самоваром (не ездят).
** TransliterationPronúncia: V Tulu so svoim samovarom (ne yezdyat).
** TranslationTradução: "Going to Tula with your own samovar" (Tula is famous as city where the best Russian samovars are made)
** English version: "Carrying coals to Newcastle" (Newcastle being a mining town.)
* В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
** TransliterationPronúncia: V chuzhoy monastyr' so svoim ustavom ne khodyat.
** TranslationTradução: Do not go to another monastery with your own charter.
** English version: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"
* Век живи — век учись.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Vek zhivi — vek uchis'.
** TranslationTradução: "Live for a century — learn for a century."
** English version: "Live and learn"
* Вкруте и вяз переломишь
** TransliterationPronúncia: Vkrute i vyaz perelomish
** TranslationTradução: "Together it is possible to break even an elm"
** English version: "There is strength in numbers."
* Волков бояться — в лес не ходить.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Volkov boyat'sa — v les ne khodit'.
** TranslationTradução: If you're afraid of wolves, don't go to the forest.
** English version: "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen."
* Вот в чём загвоздка
** TransliterationPronúncia: Vot v chyom zagvozdka
** TranslationTradução: "That's the snag!"
** English version: "That’s where the shoe pinches. That’s the crux (the rub)"
* Вот где собака зарыта.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Vot gde sobaka zaryta"
** TranslationTradução: "That's where the dog is buried"
** English version: "That’s where the shoe pinches. That’s the crux (the rub)"
* Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Vsyo khorosho, chto khorosho konchayetsa.
** TranslationTradução: "All is well that ends well"
** English version: "All is well that ends well"
* Всяк кулик своё болото хвалит.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Vsyak kulik svoyo boloto khvalit"
** TranslationTradução: "Every sandpiper praises his own swamps"
** English version: "Every cook praises his own broth"
* Всякому овощу своё время.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Vsyakomu ovoshchu svoyo vremya.
** TranslationTradução: "Every vegetable has its time"
** English version: "Everything is good in its season"
Linha 118:
* Где тонко — там и рвётся.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Gde tonko — tam i rvyotsya.
** TranslationTradução: Where it is thinnest - there it snaps.
** English version: "The chain is no stronger than its weakest link"
* Голод не тётка(, пирожка не поднесёт).
** TransliterationPronúncia: Golod ne tyotka, pirozhka nye podnyesyot.
** TranslationTradução: Hunger is not your aunt(, it will not bring you a pie).
** Moral: If you are in need, help yourself and don't count on situation improving by itself
* Голодный, как волк.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Golodny, kak volk.
** TranslationTradução: "As hungry as a wolf"
** English version: "Hungry like a wolf."
* Голь на выдумку хитра.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Gol' na vydumku khitra.
** TranslationTradução: Poverty is crafty.
** English version: "Necessity is the mother of invention"
* Горбатого могила исправит.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Gorbatogo mogila ispravit"
** TranslationTradução: "Only death will change the hunchback"
** English version: "The leopard cannot change his spots"
Linha 145:
* Дарёному коню в зубы не смотрят.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Daryonomu konyu v zuby ne smotryat"
** TranslationTradução: "You should not look a gift horse in the mouth"
** English version: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"
* Делить шкуру неубитого медведя.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Delit' shkuru neubitovo medvedya.
** TranslationTradução: Distributing the skin of an unkilled bear.
** English version: "To cook a hare before catching him", "Don't count the chickens before they hatch"
* Дело мастера боится.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Delo mastera boitsya.
** TranslationTradução: "Task/job fears its master."
** English version: ""
* До свадьбы заживёт.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Do svad'by zazhivyot.
** TranslationTradução: "[It] will heal before marriage."
** English version: "You will manage"
* До Бога высоко, до Царя далеко
** TransliterationPronúncia: Do Boga vysoko, do Tsarya dalyeko.
** TranslationTradução: God is up high, the Tsar is far away.
** English version: ""
* Доброе братство — лучшее богатство
** TransliterationPronúncia: Dobroye bratstvo — luchsheye bogatstvo
** TranslationTradução: "Good brothership is the better wealth."
** English version: ""
* Доверяй, но проверяй.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Doveryay, no proveryay.
** TranslationTradução: "Trust, but verify."
** English version:
* Долг платежом красен.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Dolg platezhom krasen.
** TranslationTradução: Debt is beautiful when repaid.
** English version: "One good turn deserves another"
* Дружба дружбой, а служба службой.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Druzhba druzhboy, a sluzhba sluzhboy.
** TranslationTradução: Friendship is friendship and business is business.
** Moral: Friendship is one thing, business another.
* Друзья познаются в беде.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Druzya poznayutsa v bede.
** TranslationTradução: "Friends are known in times of trouble"
** Moral: "A friend in need's a friend indeed"
* Дуракам закон не писан.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Durakam zakon ne pisan.
** TranslationTradução: "There is no law for fools"
** English version: "There is no law for fools"
Linha 202:
* Если бы да кабы да во рту росли грибы.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Yesli by da kaby da vo rtu rosli griby"
** TranslationTradução: "If mushrooms grew in the mouth"
** English version: "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts", "If wishes were horses, beggars might ride"
* Если хочется работать — ляг, поспи, и всё пройдёт.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Yesli khochetsya rabotat', lyag, pospi, i vsyo proydyot."
** TranslationTradução: "If you feel the need to work, take a nap and the need will pass."
** English version:
Linha 214:
* Жизнь коротка.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Zhizn' korotka.
** TranslationTradução: "Life is short."
** English version: "Life is short."
* Жизнь прожить — не поле перейти.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Zhizn' prozhit' — ne pole pereyti.
** TranslationTradução: "To live life is not to walk through a meadow."
** English version: "Life was never meant to be easy."
Linha 226:
* За одного битого двух небитых дают.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Za odnovo bitogo dvukh nebityh dayut.
** TranslationTradução: In exchange for a beaten one they give two unbeaten ones.
** English version: "Experience is worth it"
* Занятой (трудолюбивый), как пчела.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Zanyatoy (trydolyubivy), kak pchela.
** TranslationTradução: "As busy as a bee"
** English version: "As busy as a bee"
* Заставь дурака Богу молится, так он себе и лоб расшибёт.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Zastav' duraka Bogu molyitsya, tak on syebye i lob rasshibyot.
** TranslationTradução: If you force a fool to pray to God, he will do it so enthusiasticaly that he will hurt his head while bowing to the floor [as required by formal Orthodox prayer].
** Moral: Blind following of poorly understood results or conclusions could be worse than not doing anything in first place. Better to understand underlying reasons, and make your own educated decisions.
Linha 243:
* И на старуху бывает проруха
** TransliterationPronúncia: I na starukhu byvayet prorykha
** TranslationTradução: Even an old lady makes mistakes.
** English version: "Everyone makes mistakes"
* И хочется и колется
** TransliterationPronúncia: I khochetsya i koletsya
** TranslationTradução: It is wanted and repellent.
** English version: "The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet"
* Исподволь и ольху согнёшь
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ispodvol' i ol'khu sognyosh'.
** TranslationTradução: "You can bend an alder-tree, if you do it gradually."
** English version: "Time conquers all"
* Ищи ветра в поле
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ishchi vetra v pole.
** TranslationTradução: Look for wind in a field.
** English version: "The wind cannot be caught in a net"
Linha 265:
* Как аукнется — так и откликнется.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kak ayknetsya — tak i otkliknetsya.
** TranslationTradução: How [echo] is prompted, it will bounce back.
** English version: "People get what they deserve"
* Как дважды два — четыре.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Kak dvazhdy dva — chetyre"
** TranslationTradução: "As twice two is four"
** English version: "As sure as eggs is eggs"
* Как две капли воды.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kak dve kapli vody.
** TranslationTradução: Like two drops of water.
** English version: "As alike as two peas in a pod"
* Как нажито, так и прожито.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kak nazhito, tak i prozhito.
** TranslationTradução: As earned, spent.
** English version: "Easy come, easy go"
* Капля в море.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kaplya v more.
** TranslationTradução: A drop in the sea.
** English version: "A drop in the bucket"
* Кашу маслом не испортишь.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Kashu maslom ne isportish"
** TranslationTradução: Porridge cannot be spoiled with butter.
** English version: "You can’t spoil a good thing. Plenty is no plague"
* Клин клином вышибают.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Klin klinom vyshibayut.
** TranslationTradução: One uses a wedge to knock out a wedge.
** English version: "Fight fire with fire. One nail drives out another"
* Когда деньги говорят, тогда правда молчит
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kogda dengi govoryat, togda pravda molchit
** TranslationTradução: When money talks, then truth is silent
* Кому на месте не сидится, тот добра не наживёт.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Komu na meste ne siditsya, tot dobra ne nazhivyot.
** TranslationTradução: Those who are discontent to remain in one place will not accumulate much.
** English version: "A rolling stone gathers no moss"
* Кто рано встаёт, тому бог подаёт.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kto rano vstayot, tomu bog podayot.
** TranslationTradução: God gives to those who wake up early.
** English version: "The early bird catches the worm"
* Кто смел, тот два съeл.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kto smel, tot dva s'yel.
** TranslationTradução: Who is brave eats two.
** English version:
* Куй железо, пока горячо.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kuy zhelezo, poka goryacho.
** TranslationTradução: Strike while the metal is hot.
** English version: "Strike while the iron is hot. Make hay while the sun shines"
* Курам на смех.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kuram na smekh.
** TranslationTradução: To make the hens laugh
** English version: "It is enough to make a cat laugh"
* Курица не птица, баба не человек
** TransliterationPronúncia: Kurnitsa nye ptyitsa, baba nye chelovyek.
** TranslationTradução: A chicken isn't a bird, a woman is not a human being.
** English version: ""
Linha 336:
* Лбом стенку не расшибёшь
** TransliterationPronúncia: Lbom stenku ne rasshibyosh'.
** TranslationTradução: You cannot break a wall with your forehead.
** English version: "Use the correct tool for the job."
* Лес рубят — щепки летят.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Les rubyat — shchepki letyat.
** TranslationTradução: The forest is slashed — woodchips fly.
** English version: "You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs"
* Лиха беда начало.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Likha beda nachalo.
** TranslationTradução: Trouble is the beginning of disaster.
** English version: "A good beginning makes a good ending. The first step is the hardest"
* Ложка дёгтя в бочке меда.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Lozhka dyogtya v bochke meda.
** TranslationTradução: A spoonful of tar in a barrel of honey.
** English version: "A fly in the ointment", "The rotten apple spoils the barrel."
* Лучшее — враг хорошего.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Luchsheye — vrag khoroshego.
** TranslationTradução: The best is the enemy of the good.
** English version: "The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good."
* Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать
** TransliterationPronúncia: Luchshe odin raz uvidet', chem sto raz uslishat'
** TranslationTradução: It's better to see once than hear a hundred times
** English version: "Seeing is believing." "A picture is worth a thousand words."
* Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Luchshe pozdno, chem nikogda.
** TranslationTradução: Better late than never.
** English version: "Better late than never."
* Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Luchshe sinitsa v rukakh, chem zhuravl' v nebe"
** TranslationTradução: Better a titmouse in the hand than a crane in the sky.
** English version: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", "Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow."
* Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Lyubish' katat'sya, lyubi i sanochki vozit'.
** TranslationTradução: If you enjoy riding, enjoy pulling the sleigh.
** English version: "He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree", "No pain, no gain", "After dinner comes the reckoning."
* Мир да лад — большой клад
** TransliterationPronúncia: Mir da lad — bol'shoy klad
** TranslationTradução: "Peace is great treasure"
** English version: "Plenty is no plague"
* Много будешь знать, скоро состариться.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Mnogo budesh' znat', skoro sostaritsya.
** TranslationTradução: If you learn a lot, you'll age soon.
** English version: "Too much knowledge makes the head bald"
* Много шума из ничего.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Mnogo shuma iz nishego.
** TranslationTradução: Much noise from nothing
** English version: "Much ado about nothing"
* Мягко стелет — жёстко спать.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Myagko stelet — zhyostko spat'.
** TranslationTradução: Makes bed soft but hard to sleep.
** English version: "Iron fist in a velvet glove"
Linha 404:
* На безрыбье и рак — рыба.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Na bezryb'ye i rak — ryba.
** TranslationTradução: On a fishing lull, even a lobster is considered fish.
** English version: "Something is better than nothing"
* На воре шапка горит.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Na vore shapka gorit.
** TranslationTradução: A thief's hat burns.
** English version: "A guilty mind betrays itself"
* На всех не угодишь.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Na vsekh ne ugodish.
** TranslationTradução: You cannot please everybody.
** English version: "He who pleased everybody died before he was born"
* На всякого мудреца довольно простоты.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Na vsyakogo mudretsa dovol'no prostoty.
** TranslationTradução: For each wise man there is lots of room; For each wise man there are plenty of fools.
** English version:
* На бога надейся, а сам не плошай
** TransliterationPronúncia: Na boga nadeysya, a sam ne ploshay
** TranslationTradução: Hope for God, but do not be reliant.
** English version: Trust in God, but lock your car.
* На бога положишься — не обложишься
** TransliterationPronúncia: Na boga polozhish'sya — ne oblozhish'sya
** TranslationTradução: If you rely on god, you won't fail
** English version:
* Назвался груздем — полезай в кузов.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Nazvalsa gruzdem &mdash; polezay v kuzov.<!-- kuzov here is an archaizm for basket -->
** TranslationTradução: Call yourself a milk-mushroom &mdash;get into the basket!
** English version: "In for a penny, in for a pound" [?], "If you undertook some thing, do it (see it through)"; "If the shoe fits, ..."
* Нашла коса на камень.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Nashla kosa na kamen'.
** TranslationTradução: The scythe has hit a stone.
** English version: "Diamond cut diamond", "You have met your match"
* Не буди лиха, пока лихо спит.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne budi likha, poka likho spit.
** TranslationTradução: Don't wake up trouble while trouble is sleeping.
** English version: "Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you", "Let sleeping dogs lie"
* Не было у бабы хлопот, так купила порося.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne bylo u baby khlopot, tak kupila porosya.
** TranslationTradução: A woman farmer had no trouble, so she bought a piglet.
** English version: "You are asking for trouble"
* Не всё золото, что блестит.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne vsyo zoloto, chto blestit.
** TranslationTradução: All that gliters is not gold.
** English version: "All that glitters is not gold"
* Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne imey sto rubley, a imey sto druzey.
** TranslationTradução: Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
** English version:
* Не клади все яйца в одну корзину.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne kladi vsye yaytsa v odnu korzinu.
** TranslationTradução: Don't put all your eggs in one basket
** English version: "Don’t put all your eggs in one basket"
* Не мытьём, так катаньем.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne mytyom, tak katanyem.
** TranslationTradução: If not by washing, then by rolling around
** English version: "By hook or by crook"
* Не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne oshibayetsa tot, kto nichego ne delayet.
** TranslationTradução: Only he who never does anything never makes mistakes
** English version: "He that never climbed, never fell"
* Не плюй в колодец &mdash; пригодится воды напиться.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne plyuy v kolodets &mdash; prigoditsya vody napit'sya.
** TranslationTradução: Do not spit into a well&mdash;it may be useful to drink water.
** English version: "Actions can boomerang", "Never cast dirt into that fountain of which you have sometime drunk"
** Vulgar: "Don't sh*t where you eat."
* Не пойман &mdash; не вор.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne poyman &mdash; ne vor.
** TranslationTradução: Weren't caught&mdash;not a thief.
** English version: "Innocent till proven guilty"
* Не рой другому яму, сам в неё попадёшь.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne roy drugomu yamu, sam v neyo popadyosh'.
** TranslationTradução: Don't dig a hole for someone else, as you will fall into it yourself.
** English version: "Curses like chickens come home to roost"
* Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne tak strashen chyort, kak ego malyuyut.
** TranslationTradução: The devil is not as scary as they paint him. (Note: "малюют" is a Ukrainian word. The Russian equivalent is "рисуют".)
** English version: "The devil is not so black as he is painted"
* Не учи учёного.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ne uchi uchyonogo.
** TranslationTradução: Do not teach a taught person.
** English version: "Do not teach an old dog new tricks"
* Незваный гость лучше званого
** TransliterationPronúncia: Nezvany gost' luchshe zvanogo
** TranslationTradução: An unsolicited guest is better than a solicited one.
** English version:
* Незваный гость хуже татарина
** TransliterationPronúncia: Nezvany gost' khuzhe tatarina
** TranslationTradução: An unsolicited guest is worse than a Tatar (the enemy).
** English version:
* Нем, как рыба.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Nem, kak ryba.
** TranslationTradução: Mute as a fish
** English version: "Silent as a grave"
* Нет дыма без огня.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Net dyma bez ognya.
** TranslationTradução: There is no smoke without fire
** English version: "There is no smoke without fire"
* Нет худа без добра.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Net khuda bez dobra.
** TranslationTradução: There's no bad without good.
** English version: "Every cloud has a silver lining"
* Ни к селу, ни к городу.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ni k selu, ni k gorodu.
** TranslationTradução: Not for village, not for town.
** English version: "Neither here nor there"
* Ни рыба, ни мясо.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ni ryba, ni myaso.
** TranslationTradução: Neither fish nor meat.
** English version: "Neither fish nor flesh"
* Ни складу ни ладу.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ni skladu ni ladu.
** TranslationTradução:
** English version: "Neither rhyme nor reason"
* Новая метла метёт по-новому.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Novaya metla metyot po-novomu.
** TranslationTradução: A new broom sweeps in a new (unique) way.
** English version: "A new broom sweeps clean"
Linha 552:
* О вкусах не спорят.
** TransliterationPronúncia: O vkusakh ne sporyat.
** TranslationTradução: Tastes are not argued.
** English version: "To each his own."
* Овчинка выделки не стоит.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ovchinka vydelki ne stoit.
** TranslationTradução: The lambskin isn't worth the currying
** English version: "The game isn’t worth the candle"
* Один в поле не воин.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Odin v pole ne voin.
** TranslationTradução: One in a field is not a warrior.
** English version: "One man, no man"
* Орешек не по зубам.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Oreshek ne po zubam.
** TranslationTradução: The teeth are not match for the nut.
** English version: "A hard nut to crack"
* От добра добра не ищут.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ot dobra dobra ne ishchut.
** TranslationTradução: Do not look for (further) good from good.
** English version: "Leave well enough alone. Enough is as good as a feast"
* От любопытства кошка сдохла.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ot lyubopytstva koshka sdokhla.
** TranslationTradução: Curiosity killed the cat.
** English version: "Curiosity killed the cat"
* От сумы и от тюрмы не зарекайся.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Ot sumy i ot tyurmy ne zarekaysa.
** TranslationTradução: Don't swear off of begging and jail.
** English version:
* Отсутствие новостей &mdash; хорошая новость.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Otsutstviye novostey &mdash; khoroshaya novost'.
** TranslationTradução: The absence of news is good news.
** English version: "No news is good news."
Linha 594:
* Пан или пропал.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Pan ili propal.
** TranslationTradução:
** English version: "Neck or nothing"
* Первый блин комом.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Pervy blin komom.
** TranslationTradução: The first pancake is a blob.
** English version: "Things don’t work the first time"
* Плохая молва на крыльях летит.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Plokhaya molva na kryl'yah letit"
** TranslationTradução: A bad rumour flies on wings.
** English version: "Bad news has wings"
* Погонишься за двумя зайцами, ни одного не поймаешь.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Pogonishsya za dvumya zaytsami, ni odnogo ne poymayesh.
** TranslationTradução: If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
** English version: "If you run after two hares, you will catch neither", "Grasp all, lose all"
* Последний, но не менее важный.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Posledny, no ne meneye vazhny.
** TranslationTradução: Last, but no less important.
** English version: "Last, but not least"
* После драки кулаками не машут.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Posle draki kulakami ne mashut.
** TranslationTradução: You don't wave your fists after a fight.
** English version: "What’s done is done"
* Поспешишь, людей насмешишь.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Pospeshish', lyudey nasmeshish'.
** TranslationTradução: If you rush, others will be only amused.
** English version: "Hasty climbers have sudden falls", "The more haste, the less speed"
* Привычка &mdash; вторая натура.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Privychka &mdash; vtoraya natura.
** TranslationTradução: Custom is a second nature.
** English version: "Custom is a second nature"
* При царе Горохе.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Pri tsare Gorokhe.
** TranslationTradução: "In the times of czar Goroch" (czar from fairy tales)
** English version: "Since Adam was a boy"
* Пришла беда, отворяй ворота.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Prishla beda, otvoryay vorota.
** TranslationTradução: Trouble is here, so open the gates.
** English version: "Misfortunes never come alone"
* Пуганая ворона куста боится.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Puganaya vorona kusta boitsya.
** TranslationTradução: A spooked crow is afraid of a bush.
** English version: "Once bitten, twice shy"
Linha 651:
* Раз на раз не приходится.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Raz na raz ne prikhoditsya.
** TranslationTradução: Each time it is different.
** English version: "You can’t expect perfection every time"
* Рука руку моет.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Ruka ruku moyet"
** TranslationTradução: One hand washes the other.
** English version: "You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours"
* Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Rybak rybaka vidit izdaleka"
** TranslationTradução: A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.
** English version: "Birds of a feather flock together"
Linha 668:
* С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
** TransliterationPronúncia: "S volkami zhit', po-volch'i vyt'"
** TranslationTradução: Você vive com lobos, você howl como um lobo.
** Moral: "Quem mantem a companhia com os lobos, aprenderá a houvir."
* Своей тени не обгонишь
** TransliterationPronúncia: Svoyey teni ne obgonish'.
** TranslationTradução: You won't speed past your shadow.
** English version: ""
* Сделал дело, гуляй смело.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Sdyelal dyelo, gulyay smyelo.
** TranslationTradução: Task accomplished, disport bravely.
** English version: ""
* Сердце с перцем, душа с чесноком.
** TransliterationPronúncia: Serdtse s pyertsem, dusha s chesnokom.
** TranslationTradução: The heart with pepper, the soul with garlic.
** English version: ""
Linha 710:
* Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает
** TransliterationPronúncia: "Yabloko ot yabloni nedaleko padayet"
** TranslationTradução: The apple doesn't fall far from the apple-tree.
** English version: Like father like son
* Язык до Киева доведёт
** TransliterationPronúncia: Yazyk do Kiyeva dovedyot
** Literally: Your tongue can get you to Kiev.
** Moral: You can achieve almost anything by asking for help from others
* Яйца курицу не учат
** TransliterationPronúncia: Yaytsa kuritsu ne uchat
** Literally: Os ovos não podem ensinar uma galinha.
** Moral: Não dê conselho a alguém mais experiente do que você, "não ensina sua avó a quebrar ovos"