Paula Cole: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 2:
*"Tem sido tão saudável estar fora do olhar público. Era importante eu lembrar de que as PESSOAS ESQUECEM-SE! Odiei a fama, francamente, isso acompanhou êxito. Tenho um destino de vida que eu cumpro, e eu devotei sigo isso chamando, mas a perda de anonimato realmente jogou-me para uma volta. Sinto-me demais sensível às vezes para todo a sociedade! Eu realmente quero privacidade! Então, tem sido uma limpeza e humilhação receber o justo por quer afastar-me da música para causa da música. Esperançosamente cresci suficiente para manipular o que segue. É duro a sinopse da minha vida dos vários anos passados, mas eu aprecei conhecer o outro lado"
*::''It's been so healthy to be out of the public eye. It was important for me to remember that PEOPLE FORGET! I hated the fame, frankly, that accompanied success. I have a life destiny that I'm fulfilling, and I am devotedly following that calling, but the loss of anonymity really threw me for a loop. I feel too sensitive sometimes for all of that socializing! I really like privacy! So, it's been cleansing and humbling to get over myself and just want to get back to music for music's sake. Hopefully I've grown up enough to handle whatever follows. It's hard to synopsize my life the past several years, but I've enjoyed getting to know myself outside of -Paula Cole: musician-. It was important to see the over-identification with my career and realize other parts of mySelf. I remembered who I was in High School; a girl who was involved in many, different things, and that made me happy. Now I'm a mommy. And a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. I considered going to UCLA's Anderson School of Business. The Calculus requirement was a little daunting, but I'd do it if I didn't have this Karma; this Life Destiny that I need to fulfill. I think if I jettisoned music now, the consequences would be disastrous. I'm newly devoted to my life purpose in music. I just have to sing.
::- ''Fonte [[ Site Oficial]''
*"Era importante ver o verso da identificação com minha carreira e compreender outras partes de mim. Lembrei-me de que eu estava em segundo grau; menina que foi envolvida em muitas, coisas diferentes, e isso fizeram-me feliz. Agora sou uma mãe. E uma professora certificada de Ioga de Kundalini. Considerei ir à Escola de Negócios Anderson [UCLA´s]. O requisito de cálculo era um desalentar pequeno, mas eu faria se eu não tive este Karma; este Destino de Vida que eu necessito cumprir. Penso que se alijasse a música agora, as conseqüências estariam desastrosas. Eu recentemente estou dedicado a meu propósito de vida em música. Acabo de cantar."
::It was important to see the over-identification with my career and realize other parts of mySelf. I remembered who I was in High School; a girl who was involved in many, different things, and that made me happy. Now I'm a mommy. And a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. I considered going to UCLA's Anderson School of Business. The Calculus requirement was a little daunting, but I'd do it if I didn't have this Karma; this Life Destiny that I need to fulfill. I think if I jettisoned music now, the consequences would be disastrous. I'm newly devoted to my life purpose in music. I just have to sing.
::- ''Fonte [[ Site Oficial]''
[[Categoria:Músicos dos Estados Unidos da América]]