A. James Gregor: diferenças entre revisões

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Leonardo Coelho (discussão | contribs)
Leonardo Coelho (discussão | contribs)
Linha 154:
*: ''By the time of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Marxist theoreticians had begun to evaluate fascism in a totally unanticipated fashion... More than that, as Marxist theorists were compelled to reinterpret fascism in the light of empirical evidence and political circumstances, the fundamental affinities shared by Marxist and fascist regimes became apparent''. — p. 13
* Os primeiros fascistas eram quase todos marxistas — teóricos destacados que eram de longa data identificados com a intelectualidade italiana da Esquerdaesquerdista.
*: ''The first Fascists were almost all Marxists — serious theorists who had long been identified with Italy’s intelligentsia of the Left''. — p. 20
* No final da década de 1960, os teóricos soviéticos se preparavam para argumentar que a ´liderança chinesa´ tinha se transformado num movimento de reação `antimarxista, antissocialista, chauvinista e antissoviético... nacionalista-burguês`. Entre as suas considerações, os pensadores soviéticos recorreram à mesma lista de traços descritivos que os acadêmicos ocidentais tinham empregado por um bom tempo para identificar os sistemas sociais e políticos fascistas.
*: ''By the end of the 1960's, Soviet theoreticians were prepared to argue that the 'Chinese leadership' had transformed itself into an ‘anti-Marxist, anti-socialist, chauvinistic and anti-Soviet... bourgeois-nationalistic’ movement of reaction... In their account, Soviet thinkers had recourse to the same list of descriptive traits that Western academics had employed for some considerable time to identify fascist political and social systems''. — p. 71
* A inspiração ideológica mais direta do fascismo veio da influência colateral dos `subversivos` mais radicais da Itália — os marxistas do sindicalismo revolucionário.
*: ''Fascism's most direct ideological inspiration came from the collateral influence of Italy's most radical 'subversives' — the Marxists of revolutionary syndicalism''. — p. 130
* O Fascismo... era o socialismo das ´nações proletárias´.
*: ''Fascism... was the socialism of ‘proletarian nations’''. — p. 135
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