A. James Gregor: diferenças entre revisões

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Leonardo Coelho (discussão | contribs)
Leonardo Coelho (discussão | contribs)
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Linha 100:
*: ''What distinguished Gentile’s Fascist rationale from that which came to characterize the legitimating rationale of Marxist-Leninism was Gentile’s identification of the nation—rather than the ‘proletariat’—as the community of destiny that would shape our time. For Gentile, proletarians represented only component elements of a larger organic community: the nation. In the modern world, only the nation could provide the material, intellectual, political, and moral environment in which the individual might find fulfillment''. — p. 100
* O Fascismo de Mussolini era uma forma relativamente benigna de nacionalismo reativoreacionário — em vista do tratamento que o regime dava para a sua população doméstica. Nos anos 1926-1932, quando o Fascismo estava estabelecendo o seu totalitarismo, os tribunais fascistas especiais para criminosos políticos proferiram apenas 7 sentenças de morte.
*: ''Mussolini’s Fascism was a relatively benign form of reactive nationalism — in terms of the regime’s treatment of its domestic population. In the years between 1926 and 1932, when Fascism was establishing its totalitarianism, the special Fascist tribunals for political offenders pronounced only 7 death sentences''. — p. 174