Zeev Sternhell: diferenças entre revisões

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Leonardo Coelho (discussão | contribs)
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Leonardo Coelho (discussão | contribs)
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Linha 19:
<small> Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, (1994). ISBN 0691044864, ISBN 978-0691044866.</small>
* Os marxistas podiam se converter ao nacional-socialismo, como de fato um bom número deles fizeram, e, semelhantemente, os nacionais-socialistas podiam assinar tratados com comunistas, trocar com eles embaixadores, e mesmo coexistirem com eles, ainda que temporariamente.
:* ''Marxists could be converted to national socialism, as indeed quite a number of them were, similarly, national socialism could sign treaties with Communist, exchange ambassadors, and coexist with the, if only temporarily. Nothing like this, however, applied to the Jews''. &mdash; p. 5
Linha 25:
:* ''If the Fascist ideology cannot be described as a simple response to Marxism, its origins, on the other hand, were the direct result of very specific revision of Marxism. It was a revision of Marxism and not a variety of Marxism or a consequence of Marxism...It was the French and Italian Sorelians, the theoreticians of revolutionary syndicalism who made this new and original revision of Marxism, and precisely this was their contribution to the birth of the Fascist ideology''. &mdash; p. 5
* Na forma como emergiu na virada do século e se desenvolveu nas décadas de 1920 e 1930, a ideologia fascistas representava uma síntese do nacionalismo orgânico com a revisão antimaterialista do marxismo. Representava uma aspiração revolucionária baseada na rejeição do individualismo, seja liberal ou marxista, e criava os elementos de uma cultura política nova e original.
:* ''In the form that it emerged at the turn of the century and developed in the 1920s and 1930s, the fascist ideology represented a synthesis of organic nationalism with the antimaterialist revision of Marxism. It expressed a revolutionary aspiration based on a rejection of individualism, whether liberal or Marxist, and it created the elements of a new and original political culture''. &mdash; p. 6
[[Categoria:Historiadores da Polônia]]