Ralph Waldo Emerson: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 46:
*"A [[sabedoria]] consiste em compreender que o [[tempo]] dedicado ao [[trabalho]] nunca é perdido."<ref>''The sum of wisdom is, that the time is never lost that is devoted to work.''- ''The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson‎ - v.7 Página 294, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Printed at the Riverside press, 1904''</ref>
*"A [[vida]] consiste no que a pessoa pensa o [[dia]] todo."<ref>''Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day''- ''Journals‎ - Página 313, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Newton Linscott - Publicado por Modern Library, 1960 - 463 páginas''</ref>
::- ''Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day''
:::- ''Journals‎ - Página 313, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Newton Linscott - Publicado por Modern Library, 1960 - 463 páginas''
*"Grandes pessoas são as que percebem que a força espiritual é muito mais poderosa do que qualquer força material, que os [[pensamento]]s governam o [[mundo]]."<ref> ''Great are those who see that spiritual is stronger than material force, that thoughts rule the world'' ''"Progress of Culture" in: Letters and Social Aims‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=Ubg8ai2XCiYC&pg=PA204 Página 204], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Adamant Media Corporation, 2000 ISBN 1402179391, 9781402179396 - 313 páginas''</ref>
::- ''Great are those who see that spiritual is stronger than material force, that thoughts rule the world''
:::- ''"Progress of Culture" in: Letters and Social Aims‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=Ubg8ai2XCiYC&pg=PA204 Página 204], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Adamant Media Corporation, 2000 ISBN 1402179391, 9781402179396 - 313 páginas''
*"Tudo o que já vi ensina-me a confiar no Criador para o que ainda não vi."<ref> ''All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen''- ''""Immortality", in: Letters and Social Aims‎ - Página 302, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Adamant Media Corporation, 2000 ISBN 1402179391, 9781402179396 - 313 páginas''</ref>
::- ''All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen''
:::- ''""Immortality", in: Letters and Social Aims‎ - Página 302, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Adamant Media Corporation, 2000 ISBN 1402179391, 9781402179396 - 313 páginas''
*"As pessoas só vêem aquilo que estão preparadas para ver."<ref>''People only see what they are prepared to see.''- ''Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson: With Annotations‎ - v.9 Página 549, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Waldo Emerson Forbes - Publicado por Reprint Services Corp., 1998, 1913''</ref>
::- ''People only see what they are prepared to see.''
:::- ''Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson: With Annotations‎ - v.9 Página 549, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Waldo Emerson Forbes - Publicado por Reprint Services Corp., 1998, 1913''
*"Qual é a tarefa mais difícil do [[mundo]]? [[Pensar]]."<ref> ''What is the hardest task in the world? To think.''- ''"Essay XI - Intelect" in: Essays‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=cKUWAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA300 Página 300], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1863 - 274 páginas''</ref>
::- ''What is the hardest task in the world? To think.''
:::- ''"Essay XI - Intelect" in: Essays‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=cKUWAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA300 Página 300], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1863 - 274 páginas''
*"Se eu tivesse de sair da [[igreja]] sempre que ouvisse um falso sentimento, não daria para ficar cinco minutos."<ref>''If I should go out of church whenever I hear a false sentiment I could never stay there five minutes.''-''"New England Reformers - Lecture at Amory Hall" in: Essays‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=6VohAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA254 Página 254], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1860 - 274 páginas''</ref>
::- ''If I should go out of church whenever I hear a false sentiment I could never stay there five minutes.''
:::- ''"New England Reformers - Lecture at Amory Hall" in: Essays‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=6VohAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA254 Página 254], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1860 - 274 páginas''
*"É uma prova de alta [[cultura]] dizer coisas mais profundas do modo mais simples."<ref> ''it is proof of high culture, to say the greatest matters in the simplest way''- ''The Conduct of Life‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=ileuAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA259 Página 259], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Ticknor and Fields, 1863 - 288 páginas''</ref>
::- ''it is proof of high culture, to say the greatest matters in the simplest way''
:::- ''The Conduct of Life‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=ileuAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA259 Página 259], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Ticknor and Fields, 1863 - 288 páginas''
:::*"Ser grande é ser incompreendido."<ref> ''To be great is to be misunderstood''- ''"Self-Reliance" in: Select Essays and Poems‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=HRcZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA38 Página 38], de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eva March Tappan - 1808 - 120 páginas''</ref>
*"Ser grande é ser incompreendido."
::- ''To be great is to be misunderstood''
:::- ''"Self-Reliance" in: Select Essays and Poems‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=HRcZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA38 Página 38], de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eva March Tappan - 1808 - 120 páginas''
:::*"Sem [[entusiasmo]] nunca se realizou nada de grandioso."<ref>- ''Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm''- ''"Essay X" in: Essays, by ralph waldo emerson‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=qzzSREp_83MC&pg=PA148 Página 148], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1906 - 557 páginas''</ref>
*"Sem [[entusiasmo]] nunca se realizou nada de grandioso."
::- ''Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm''
:::- ''"Essay X" in: Essays, by ralph waldo emerson‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=qzzSREp_83MC&pg=PA148 Página 148], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1906 - 557 páginas''
*"Conselho que eu ouvi darem a um [[jovem]]: 'Faça sempre o que você tem [[medo]] de fazer."<ref>- ''It was high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, 'always do what you are afraid to do'.''- ''"Essay VIII" in: Essays, by ralph waldo emerson‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=qzzSREp_83MC&pg=PA120 Página 120], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Forgotten Books, 1906 ISBN 1605069744, 9781605069746 - 557 páginas''</ref>
::- ''It was high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, 'always do what you are afraid to do'.''
:::- ''"Essay VIII" in: Essays, by ralph waldo emerson‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=qzzSREp_83MC&pg=PA120 Página 120], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Forgotten Books, 1906 ISBN 1605069744, 9781605069746 - 557 páginas''
*"O [[caráter]] dá esplendor à [[juventude]] e [[respeito]] à [[pele]] enrugadas e aos [[cabelo]]s brancos."<ref>- ''but character gives splendor to youth, and awe to wrinkled skin and gray hairs''- ''"Beauty" in: The Conduct of Life‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=ileuAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA269 Página 269], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Ticknor and Fields, 1863 - 288 páginas''</ref>
::- ''but character gives splendor to youth, and awe to wrinkled skin and gray hairs''
:::- ''"Beauty" in: The Conduct of Life‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=ileuAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA269 Página 269], de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Ticknor and Fields, 1863 - 288 páginas''
:::*"O [[ceticismo]] é um lento [[suicídio]]."<ref>- ''"ProgressScepticism ofis Cultureslow suicide.''- ''"Resources" in: Letters and Social Aims‎ - Página 134, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Houghton, Mifflin and co., 1886'' ''"Resources" in: Letters and Social Aims - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=Ubg8ai2XCiYC&pg=PA204#PPA122,M1 Páginapágina 204122], dePor Ralph Waldo Emerson -, Publicado por Adamant Media Corporation, 2000 ISBN 1402179391, 9781402179396 - 313 páginas''</ref>
*"O [[ceticismo]] é um lento [[suicídio]]."
::- ''Scepticism is slow suicide.''
:::- ''"Resources" in: Letters and Social Aims‎ - Página 134, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Houghton, Mifflin and co., 1886''
::: ''"Resources" in: Letters and Social Aims - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=Ubg8ai2XCiYC&pg=PA204#PPA122,M1 página 122], Por Ralph Waldo Emerson, Publicado por Adamant Media Corporation, 2000 ISBN 1402179391, 9781402179396 313 páginas''
*"Adote o ritmo da [[natureza]]: seu [[segredo]] é a [[paciência]]."<ref> ''Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience''- ''Lectures and Biographical Sketches‎ (1884) - Página 80, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Kessinger Publishing, 2004 ISBN 0766189198, 9780766189195 - 252 páginas''</ref>
::- ''Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience''
:::- ''Lectures and Biographical Sketches‎ (1884) - Página 80, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Kessinger Publishing, 2004 ISBN 0766189198, 9780766189195 - 252 páginas''
:::*"A única maneira de ter amigos é ser amigo."<ref>- ''The only way to have a friend is to be one.''- ''"Friendship" in: Selected Essays‎ - Página 144, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Kessinger Publishing, 2005 ISBN 1419107089, 9781419107085 - 340 páginas''</ref>
*"A única maneira de ter amigos é ser amigo."
::- ''The only way to have a friend is to be one.''
:::- ''"Friendship" in: Selected Essays‎ - Página 144, de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Publicado por Kessinger Publishing, 2005 ISBN 1419107089, 9781419107085 - 340 páginas''
*"É fácil viver no [[mundo]] conforme a [[opinião]] das pessoas. É fácil, na [[solidão]], viver do jeito que se quer. Mas o grande [[homem]] é aquele que, no meio da multidão, mantém com perfeita doçura a independência da solidão".<ref>- ''It is easy in the world to live after the world s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.''
:::- ''Journals‎"Self-Reliance" in: Select Essays and Poems‎ - Página 31335, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, RobertEva NewtonMarch LinscottTappan - Publicado por ModernAllyn and LibraryBacon, 19601808 - 463120 páginas''</ref>
::- ''It is easy in the world to live after the world s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.''
:::- ''"Self-Reliance" in: Select Essays and Poems‎ - Página 35, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eva March Tappan - Publicado por Allyn and Bacon, 1808 - 120 páginas''
*"A [[verdade]] sem dúvidas é linda; assim como as [[mentira]]s."<ref>''Truth is beautiful. Without doubt; and so are lies''- ''Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson: With Annotations‎ - v.3 Página 437, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Waldo Emerson Forbes - Publicado por Reprint Services Corp., 1910''</ref>
:- ''Truth is beautiful. Without doubt; and so are lies''
:::- ''Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson: With Annotations‎ - v.3 Página 437, de Ralph Waldo Emerson, Waldo Emerson Forbes - Publicado por Reprint Services Corp., 1910''
* "No [[universo]] tudo procede por vias indiretas. Não existem linhas retas". <ref>- ''Everything in the universe goes by indirection. There are no straight lines''- ''The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson‎ - V.5 Página 404, de [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]] - Publicado por Macmillan, 1902''</ref>
::- ''Everything in the universe goes by indirection. There are no straight lines''
:::- ''The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson‎ - V.5 Página 404, de [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]] - Publicado por Macmillan, 1902''
:::*"A [[recompensa]] de uma coisa bem feita é tê-la feito". <ref>''"EssayThe VIII"reward in:of a thing well done, is to have done it.''- ''Essays, by ralph waldo emerson‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=qzzSREp_83MC&pg=PA120PA294 Página 120294], de [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]] - Publicado por Forgotten Books, 1906, ISBN 1605069744, 9781605069746 - 557 páginas''</ref>
*"A [[recompensa]] de uma coisa bem feita é tê-la feito".
::- ''The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.''
:::- ''Essays, by ralph waldo emerson‎ - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=qzzSREp_83MC&pg=PA294 Página 294], de [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]] - Publicado por Forgotten Books, 1906, ISBN 1605069744, 9781605069746''
*"O [[silêncio]] que aceita o [[mérito]] como a coisa mais natural do [[mundo]] constitui o mais retumbante [[aplauso]]".<ref>- ''The silence that accepts merit as the most natural thing in the world is the highest applause.- ''An address delivered before the senior class: in Divinity College, Cambridge, Sunday evening, 15 July, 1838 - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=pFbQpaY0sYkC&pg=PA29 Página 29], [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]] - James Munroe and Company, 1838 - 31 páginas</ref>
::- ''The silence that accepts merit as the most natural thing in the world is the highest applause.
:::- ''An address delivered before the senior class: in Divinity College, Cambridge, Sunday evening, 15 July, 1838 - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=pFbQpaY0sYkC&pg=PA29 Página 29], [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]] - James Munroe and Company, 1838 - 31 páginas
*"A única maneira de ter um [[amigo]] é sendo um."<ref>- ''the only way to have a friend is to be one. - ''Essays - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=GloJAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA176 Página 176], Ralph Waldo Emerson - J. Munroe and company, 1841 - 303 páginas</ref>
::- ''the only way to have a friend is to be one.
:::- ''Essays - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=GloJAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA176 Página 176], Ralph Waldo Emerson - J. Munroe and company, 1841 - 303 páginas
* "Nós não contamos os anos de um homem até que ele nada tenha a contar." <ref>- ''We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count.
:::- ''The journals and miscellaneous notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=TVMYpcZEx1UC&pg=PA361 Página 361], [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]], A. W. Plumstead, Harrison Hayford - Harvard University Press, 1969, ISBN 0674484576, 9780674484573 - 600 páginas</ref>
::- ''We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count.
:::- ''The journals and miscellaneous notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=TVMYpcZEx1UC&pg=PA361 Página 361], [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]], A. W. Plumstead, Harrison Hayford - Harvard University Press, 1969, ISBN 0674484576, 9780674484573 - 600 páginas
:::* "Atrele seu vagão a uma [[estrela]]." <ref>- ''Hitch your wagon to a star - ''Select essays and poems - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=HRcZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PR6 Página vi], [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]], Eva March Tappan - Allyn and Bacon, 1808 - 120 páginas</ref>
* "Atrele seu vagão a uma [[estrela]]."
::- ''Hitch your wagon to a star
:::- ''Select essays and poems - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=HRcZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PR6 Página vi], [[Ralph Waldo Emerson]], Eva March Tappan - Allyn and Bacon, 1808 - 120 páginas
:::*"A [[arte]] é amante ciumenta."<ref>- ''Art is a jealous mistress- ''The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: The conduct of life - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=xTQRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA114 Página 114], Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edward Waldo Emerson - Houghton, Mifflin, 1859</ref>
*"A [[arte]] é amante ciumenta."
::- ''Art is a jealous mistress
:::- ''The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: The conduct of life - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=xTQRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA114 Página 114], Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edward Waldo Emerson - Houghton, Mifflin, 1859
*"É tão fácil para o homem forte para ser forte, como é para os fracos de serem fracos."<ref> ''It is as easy for the strong man to be strong, as it is for the weak to be weak.- ''Select essays and poems - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=HRcZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA46 Página 46], Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eva March Tappan - Allyn and Bacon, 1808 - 120 páginas</ref>
::- ''It is as easy for the strong man to be strong, as it is for the weak to be weak.
:::- ''Select essays and poems - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=HRcZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA46 Página 46], Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eva March Tappan - Allyn and Bacon, 1808 - 120 páginas
*"Uma boa indignação produz um excelente discurso." <ref>- ''a good indignation makes an excellent speech.- ''Prose works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume 3 - página 259, Ralph Waldo Emerson - Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1880</ref>
::- ''a good indignation makes an excellent speech.
:::- ''Prose works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume 3 - página 259, Ralph Waldo Emerson - Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1880
*"O único caminho para emendar o mundo mau é criar o mundo bom."<ref> ''The way to mend the bad world is to create the right world.
:::- ''"EssayThe XIComplete -Works Intelect"of inRalph Waldo Emerson: Essays‎The conduct of life - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=cKUWAAAAYAAJxTQRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA300PA224 Página 300224], de Ralph Waldo Emerson, -Edward 1863Waldo Emerson - 274Houghton, páginas''Mifflin, 1859</ref>
::- ''The way to mend the bad world is to create the right world.
:::- ''The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: The conduct of life - [http://books.google.com.br/books?id=xTQRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA224 Página 224], Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edward Waldo Emerson - Houghton, Mifflin, 1859