Últimas palavras notórias: diferenças entre revisões

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Na verdade as últimas palavras de Nero foram "Qualis artifex pereo!"
Etiquetas: Edição via dispositivo móvel Edição feita através do sítio móvel
Linha 437:
** Quem: British Vice Admiral [[Horatio Nelson]]; These are among the very last words Nelson is recorded to have uttered, but his actual last words are lost with no definite record. That Nelson said''' "Kiss me, Hardy" '''in his last hours, after being mortally wounded is extensively documented in contemporary accounts, including that of people actually present. That they were not his actual ''last'' words is also extensively documented, though not as clearly in many popular accounts, and they have commonly been mistaken as being his last words. (for more on this see: [[Talk:Horatio Nelson]])
* "'''Sero."Qualis Haecartifex est fidespereo!"'''."
** Tradução: "'''ÉAlgo tardecomo demais."Como Istoquão égrande fidelidadeator pereço'''."
** Quem: [[Nero]], imperador romano.