P. J. O´Rourke: diferenças entre revisões

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Javuh (discussão | contribs)
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Javuh (discussão | contribs)
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Linha 27:
::- ''There is no virtue in compulsory government charity, and there is no virtue in advocating it. A politician who portrays himself as caring and sensitive because he wants to expand the government's charitable programs is merely saying that he is willing to do good with other people's money. Well, who isn't? And a voter who takes pride in supporting such programs is telling us that he will do good with his own money — if a gun is held to his head.''
:::- ''O'Rourke, P. J. (1996). Why I Am a Conservative (1st edition ed.). Second Thoughts Books. pp. 24 pp.. 978-1886442085.''
* "Os subsídios governamentais podem ser analisados criticamente de acordo com um princípio simples: Você é mais esperto do que o governo, então, quando o governo lhe paga para fazer algo que você não faria por conta própria, está quase sempre pagando para você fazer algo estúpido."
::- ''Government subsidies can be critically analyzed according to a simple principle: You are smarter than the government, so when the government pays you to do something you wouldn't do on your own, it is almost always paying you to do something stupid.''
:::- ''All the Trouble in the World (1994)''
* "Eu sempre imaginei que se Deus quisesse que a gente fosse a igreja muito vezes, Ele teria nos dado traseiros maiores para sentar e cabeças menores para pensar."
::- ''I've always figured that if God wanted us to go to church a lot He'd have given us bigger behinds to sit on and smaller heads to think with.''
:::- ''O'Rourke, P.J. (1989), Holidays in hell. London (Picador), 90''