Gossip Girl: diferenças entre revisões

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:- ''Serena onde vive? E quem sou eu? Isso é um segredo que nunca vou dizer. Você sabe que me ama. Beijinhos... Gossip Girl
::- ''Abertura de Gossip Girl.''
* Truth is, I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when ...waking life is so much better
''(Gossip Girl 1×02 – The wild brunch)''
* Everyone knows you can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends. And in a world ruled by blood lines and bank accounts, it pays to have a pal. As much as a BFF can make you go WTF, there’s no denying we’d be a little less rich without them. And Serena and Blair? They do besties better then anyone. No, that’s not a tear in my eye. It’s just allergies. Without you, I’m nothing.
''(Gossip Girl 1×04 – Bad news Blair)''
==Segunda Temporada==
* If there’s one thing I learned it’s that there would be no gossip without secrets. You might be brave enough to reveal your secret only to have it used against you. Or someone else’s secret might affect you in unexpected ways. There are some secrets you’re only too happy to keep. Others surface, only to be buried away deeper than they were before. But the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal, but once spoken, change everything. But don't worry B, the brightest stars burn out the fastest. Or at least that's what I heard. Waiting for a star to fall?
''(Gossip Girl 2×05 – The Serena Also Rises)''
* Às vezes, só o que podemos fazer é abraçar a pessoa uma vez mais e então deixar que ela vá.
''(Gossip Girl 2×17 – Carnal Knowledge)''
* Assim como as estações, as pessoas têm a habilidade de mudar. Não acontece com freqüência, mas quando acontece, é sempre para o bem. Algumas vezes leva o quebrado a se tornar inteiro de novo. Às vezes é preciso abrir as portas para novas pessoas e deixá-las entrar. Na maioria das vezes, é preciso apenas uma pessoa que tenha pavor de demonstrar o que sente para conseguir o que jamais achou possível. E algumas coisas nunca mudam. E que comece o novo jogo.
''(Gossip Girl 2x07 - Chuck in Real Life)''
==Terceira Temporada==
* Growing up means one thing: independence. We all want it. Sometimes we use other people to try and get it for ourselves. Sometimes we find it in each other. Sometimes our independence comes at the cost of something else. And our cost can be high. Because more often than not, in order to gain our independence we have to fight. Never give up. Never surrender.
''(Gossip Girl 3x01 - Reversals of fortune)''
* Some say love is a river, some say love’s a silly song. Some say love is all around us, it lifts us up where we belong. Some say love is hearing laughter in the rain. But on the Upper East Side, we all know love is pain.
''(Gossip Girl 3x05 - Rufus getting married)''
* While most people think it’s our brain that controls our actions, it’s often our heart that gets the biggest workout. It can make us do the craziest of things, but it can also let us take a chance on new adventures. Because when we open our heart, we can explore a world of love… and be pleasantly surprised by the people already in our life. But unfortunately, our hearts are very sensitive, and when they’re broken, everything around us is shattered. Totally eclipse of the heart
''(Gossip Girl 3x18 - The unblairable leightness of being)''
* To revive a struggling relationship, there comes a point when we must stop protecting what we have to allow for what we truly need. Moving forward can mean reaching out, reaching back, or reaching balance. And while new journeys can start with a single step, they can end just as quickly with a single misstep.
''(Gossip Girl 3x19 - Dr. estrangeloved)''
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