Sobrenatural (série): diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 3 938:
=== Exile on Main St. [6.01] ===
:'''Dean''': There'sNão not muchmuito topara tellcontar. LivedVivia onna the roadestrada. TookTive empregos crapmuito jobsmaus thatque nobodymais elseninguém wantedqueria.
:'''Sid''': LikeComo...?
:'''Dean''': LikeComo... pestcontrolo controlde pragas.
:'''Sid''': ReallyA sério? PestControlo de controlpragas.
:'''Dean''': YeahSim. GetTrabalha-se tocom workum withparceiro, aajuda-se partnerpessoas. YouNem getfazes toideia helpdo people.que Youestá havenas noparedes ideadas what's in some people's wallspessoas. Could eatPodia themcome-las alivevivas.
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:'''Sid''': Dean! IsIsso thaté auma gunpistola?
:'''Dean''': NoNão! NoNão, yeahsim. well, I got aEu permittenho foruma itautorização.
:'''Sid''': What,Para toquê? shootMatar theo Glickmans'cão dogdo Glickman?
:'''Dean''': I thought that was a possum. Remember when I said I was in pest control. Well, possums carry rabies, so...
:'''Sid''': Wow. I did not know that.
:'''Dean''': Oh yeah, yeah, possums... possums kill, Sid.
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:'''Lisa''': So I just ran into Sid. Did you almost shoot a Yorkie?
:'''Dean''': Technically
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Linha 3 996 ⟶ 3 989:
:'''Dean''': Oh yeah, go ahead, say it, call me a soccer mom, whatever.
:'''Samuel''': "Soccer mom," huh. I'll have to look that up on the "Intranet".
=== Two and a Half Men [6.02] ===