Sobrenatural (série): diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 3 707:
=== 99 Problems [5.17] ===
:'''Castiel's voicemail''': You have reached the voice mail of [Castiel: I don’t understand. Why do you want me to say my name?] [sound of numbers being pressed] [beep]
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:'''Sam''': Are you... drunk?
:'''Castiel''': No..! [''brief pause''] Yes.
:'''Sam''': ... what happened?
:'''Castiel''': I found a liquor store.
:'''Sam''': And?
:'''Castiel''': And I drank it.
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:'''Sam''': [''To Dean''] No drinking, no gambling, no premarital sex. Dean, they basically just outlawed 90 percent of your personality.
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:'''Dean''': And the Enochian exorcism?
:'''Castiel''': Fake. It actually means "You breed with the mouth of a goat'" … It's funnier in Enochian.
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:'''DeanSam''': Where the hell've you beenEstás...bêbedo?!
:'''Castiel''': OnNão! a[''pausa bender!breve''] Sim.
:'''Sam''': ... whatO happenedque aconteceu?
:'''Castiel''': AndEncontrei Iuma drankloja itde bebidas.
:'''Sam''': Are you... drunkE?
:'''Castiel''': No..!E [''brief pause''] Yesbebi-a.
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:'''Sam''': Nem bebida, nem jogo, nem sexo antes do casamento. Dean, eles fizeram 90% da tua personalidade ilegal.
:'''Dean''': What is she exactly?
:'''Castiel''': The whore.
:'''Dean''': Wow, Cas, tell us what you really think...
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:'''Dean''': WhatO isque sheé exactlyela exactamente?
:'''Castiel''': Her goal is to condemn as many souls to hell as possible. And it's just beginning. She's well on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit.
:'''Castiel''': IA found a liquor storeProstituta.
:'''Dean''': Alright. So then how do we go Pimp of Babylon all over this bitch?
:'''Dean''': WowBem, Cas, telldiz-nos uso whatque youachas really thinkmesmo...
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:'''Castiel''': TheA WhoreProstituta can onlypode beser killedmorta bypor aum trueverdadeiro servantservo ofdo HeavenCéu.
:'''Dean''': ServantServo likecomo...?
:'''Castiel''': NotNão youés tu, ornem meeu. O Sam, of courseclaro, isé anuma abominationaberração. We'llVamos haveter tode findencontrar someoneoutra elsepessoa.
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:'''Pastor Gideon''': WhyPorque doesé itque havetenho tode beser meeu?
:'''Castiel''': YouÉ areum averdadeiro trueservo servantdo of heavenCéu.
:'''Gideon''': AndE you'revocê ané angelum anjo.
:'''Castiel''': AUm poormau exampleexemplo of onedum.
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:'''Jane''': INão don't understandpercebo. How areComo weé supposedque tovamos getpara too paradiseparaíso nowagora?
:'''Dean''': I'mLamento, sorry.mas Prettytenho surea you'recerteza headingque inestá a differentseguir na direcção directionerrada.
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:'''Dean''': INão havetenho no illusionsilusões. IEu knowsei thea lifevida thatque I livevivo. ISei knowcomo howé itsque goingvai toacabar endpara for memim. Whatever.Não I’mfaz okaymal, já withaceitei thatisso. ButMas Iqueria wantedque yousoubesses toque know,quando thatme whenimagino I do picture myself happyfeliz, it’sé with you.contigo Ande theo kidmiúdo.
=== Point of No Return [5.18] ===