Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli (?) foi um político britânico.
Benjamin Disraeli | |
Nascimento | 21 de dezembro de 1804 Londres |
Morte | 19 de abril de 1881 (76 anos) Curzon Street (Império Britânico) |
Cidadania | Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda |
Ocupação | político, romancista, escritor, biógrafo, ministro das finanças |
Assinatura | |
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editar- - Justice is truth in action.
- - Wit and wisdom of Benjamin Disraeli, collected from his writings and speeches, página 181, Benjamin Disraeli (earl of Beaconsfield.) - 1881
- - Justice is truth in action.
- "O mundo é regido por personagens muito diferentes do que é imaginado por aqueles que não estão nos bastidores."
- - "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
- - Benjamin Disraeli, discurso de posse como primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido, em um romance publicado em 1844, Coningsby, the New Generation.
- - "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
- "Ele fez de sua consciência não um guia, mas um cúmplice."
- - He made his conscience not his guide bnt his accomplice.
- - Citado em "English men of letters", Volume 13 - página 148, John Morley, Editora Harper & Brothers, 1894
- - He made his conscience not his guide bnt his accomplice.
- - The secret of success is constancy of purpose.
- - The Works of Benjamin Disraeli: Endymion, v. 2. Miscellanea - Página 109, Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield), Edmund Gosse, Robert Arnot - Printed for subscribers only by M. W. Dunne, 1904
- - The secret of success is constancy of purpose.
- "A arte da conversação consiste no exercício de duas qualidades superiores: você deve estabelecer contato e deve simpatizar; deve possuir ao mesmo tempo o hábito de comunicar e o hábito de ouvir. A união é rara, mas irresistível."
- - the art of conversation, which, indeed, consists of the exercise of two fine qualities. You must originate, and you must sympathise; you must possess at the same time the habit of communicating and the habit of listening. The union is rather rare, but irresistible.
- - A new key to the characters in Coningsby - página 287, Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield), W. Strange, 1844
- - the art of conversation, which, indeed, consists of the exercise of two fine qualities. You must originate, and you must sympathise; you must possess at the same time the habit of communicating and the habit of listening. The union is rather rare, but irresistible.
- "Quando os homens são puros, as leis são desnecessárias; quando são corruptos, as leis são inúteis."
- - When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken.
- - Wit and wisdom - Página 183, Benjamin Disraeli - Longmans, Green, 1881 - 382 páginas
- - When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken.
- "Ter consciência da própria ignorância já é um passo para o saber."
- - To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.
- - Sybil or the two nations - Página 78, Benjamin Disraeli - Baudry, 1845 - 358 páginas
- - To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.
- "Há três espécies de mentiras: mentiras, mentiras deslavadas e estatísticas."
- - There are three kinds of lies — lies, damnable lies, and statistics
- - Benjamin Disraeli citado em "Hearings" - Página 427, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education - 1928
- - There are three kinds of lies — lies, damnable lies, and statistics
- "Colônias não deixam de ser colônias só porque ficaram independentes."
- - Colonies do not cease to be colonies because they are independent.
- - Disraeli citado em The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Página 20, de Edmund Burke - Publicado por Longmans, Green, 1864
- - Colonies do not cease to be colonies because they are independent.
- "Há pessoas silenciosas que são muito mais interessantes que os melhores oradores".
- - There are some silent people who are more interesting than the best talkers.
- - Endymion: Volume 1 - página 153, Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield) - D.Appleton and company, 1880 - 477 páginas
- - There are some silent people who are more interesting than the best talkers.
- "O homem não é produto das circunstâncias. As circunstâncias são produto dos homens".
- - Man is not the creature of circumstances. Circumstances are the creatures of men.
- - Vivian Grey: (vol. II, bk. VI, ch. 7)
- - Man is not the creature of circumstances. Circumstances are the creatures of men.
editar- - Assassination has never changed the history of the world
- - Benjamim Disraeli como citado in: The Illustrated London News - Volume 46 - Página 430, Illustrated London News & Sketch Limited, 1865
- - Assassination has never changed the history of the world